my mallard drake now looks female


10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
kountze texas
I had 3 mallard drakes... one was killed by dogs ... now one lookes like a hen... his green head is nomore... he even lost his little curly feather... he is a year and a half old...why did this happen? i thought i was crazy...
It was a real shock ... there is absolutelyno green on his head anymore... i almost thought someone was messing with mymind and switched ducks on
Yes every year when the mating season is over the boys take off their bright colors (there to attract the ladies) and get dull so the predators can't find them so easily.
my mallard boys going through his fall moult right now, he's lost ALL that attractive silver on his belly, and the rust on his neck and chest, and now his head is losing his green feathers and...he looks absolutely depressed! LOL
My boys are done with the molt...They looked funny as girls..The darker one was killed 2 months ago...I sure miss him so does his brother...


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