My mom is strange LOL

That saying is actually "Fair to Middling" just often mispronounced because it's repeated from hearing not from seeing it in print. It means you are doing OK, but not great.
I like to say "It's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!"

You can use that term with ANYTHING that happens - mostly not GOOD things that happen, because you know, a lot of things are better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

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Ga Chicken Mom is right on the money on Fair to middling"
This excerpt is taken from the following site.
It has many more curious phrases like this as well.

"It's not "fare to Midland." It's "fair to middling," meaning "moderately good," "OK but not great," or "so-so." If someone were to ask you how your vacation at your in-laws in Pittsburgh went, you might well say "Fair to middling."

We all know what "fair" in this sense means: it's midway on the scale from "good" to "poor." It's that "middling" that is a mystery to many, if not most, people, but it's really quite simple. "Middling," which first appeared in English in the 15th century, is an adjective that denotes something that sits in the middle of a range of quality. Wheat, for instance, was once rated as being "fine," "middling" or "poor."

"Fair to middling," which first appeared as a phrase in the mid-19th century, thus really means "fair to fair," a little joke in that the range between the two qualities really doesn't exist. "
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Let me run this up the flag pole and see if anyone salutes it.

Worthless as tits on a boar

Blinkin your eyes like a toad caught in a hail storm

Strange as the day is long

and we're a herd of turtles.
How about "He drives so bad they're gonna be picking him up with a toothpick and a spoon"

"That thing's as flat as a possum in the road"

And not to get vulgar but this one was my EX-hubby's usual saying - "He thinks he's s@*t on a log but he ain't nothing but a f$%t on a splinter"
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OH Okay! Thanks! I don't say the "land" part it in. (Raised in Texas
) So, I say "fair to middlin'" just the same. LOL! How do you pronounce Copasetic? Coe-pah-seh-tick? Curious...

Another friend always said, "She/he's a taco short of a combo plate!" (But, I think he made that up!
) to mean the person is not all there...or "dummer an' dirt"
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