My Neighbor shot at Me and My Chickens This Morning

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Not to stir the pot, but to follow up:
I visited my next door neighbors this morning to be sure that the crowing wasn't annoying anyone else.

They informed me that the crowing was not a bother to them at all and that they liked my chickens and had been admiring them for some time now.

They also informed me that they were related though marriage to the neighbor who shot at me, but NEVER spoke to him because he and his dad were mentally unstable and not nice people. They advised my husband and I not to go down there and try to be friendly, but to report to the police if anything else happened, and then they offered to help me watch the coop from here on out.

It's nice to know one set of neighbors has our backs!
I also found three pellets sunk fast into the wood of my coop and run as well as a dozen other nicks and dings from deflected pellets. I took photos and emailed them as instructed to one of the officers who responded to our call yesterday, explaining that I wanted them put on file for when we press charges the next time something like this happens.
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I was standing at the gate just inches to the left of where this pellet landed.
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Let's just say, our first time calling the cops was a warning shot. The next time will be a sting mission.
NOW you're talking!! Time to take off the gloves. :thumbsup:thumbsup
The better/proper question would be "Are you zoned to NOT have roosters." She stated that she's in an ag area and that there are chicken houses across the road.

Too many folks in this "free" country are brainwashed into thinking they need government permission to wipe their butts! This is reinforced and constantly expanded on by elected idiots who are power hungry and take it upon themselves to decide what we can and can't do. It is way past time that we FREE Americans take BACK our freedoms from overreaching government taxation/regulation/BS!

Please, please, PLEASE run for President next time around! I like the way you think; too bad more don't
It would't be prudent to shoot at my wife. I don't own a pellet gun.
:lauOr yell at the cook for that matter . I gets all nervous and my hands shake.

In my husband's part of the woods, shooting at one's wife will shorten the shooter's lifespan. Yep, those mountain folks don't like it when you mess with family. They'll get to feuding right quick over such things. Yep, where he came from you don't mess with the wife or the Liquor Still.
:lau:lauYep let me think still wife wife still .:idunnoHoney the barns a burning grab the still :lau Never mind I'll get it :lau.
Wow. So...they trespassed on your property when they let your roosters out of their pen, that is the 1st thing the police hopefully addressed. I hope that none of your birds were injured. I saw a brat with a pellet gun chasing down wild birds when I was a kid, and the pellets did hurt their skin, he injured a young crow in the wing, and I took it in, cleaned the wound, nursed it back to health then released it when it could fly again. That devil boy killed many smaller birds with the pellet gun, and I called the police since he was chasing the birds through all of the neighbor's yards, trespassing. They didn't do anything about that brat killing wild birds, but they did do something about the trespassing aspect. Now your birds are not wild, they are yours, so that should make a difference, and also shooting the pellet gun in your direction while cursing at you is a direct threat. If where you live is zoned so you can have farm animals, then the police need to tell him that, and recommend he get some ear plugs because if it is zone agricultural like where I live, then any farm animal is permitted. I wonder how that idiot would like it if you decided to get some Peacocks. This is just so unbelievable, how rude, obnoxious and just plain mean some people can be. Being sleep deprived is no excuse for pointing or shooting a pellet gun at someone or their pets that are on their own property, and it's definitely no excuse for trespassing. I haven't read through all of the other posts here yet so let me do that right no, I just replied as soon as I saw the post. I hope the police did something positive for you and that none of your birds are injured.
Wow. So...they trespassed on your property when they let your roosters out of their pen, that is the 1st thing the police hopefully addressed. I hope that none of your birds were injured. I saw a brat with a pellet gun chasing down wild birds when I was a kid, and the pellets did hurt their skin, he injured a young crow in the wing, and I took it in, cleaned the wound, nursed it back to health then released it when it could fly again. That devil boy killed many smaller birds with the pellet gun, and I called the police since he was chasing the birds through all of the neighbor's yards, trespassing. They didn't do anything about that brat killing wild birds, but they did do something about the trespassing aspect. Now your birds are not wild, they are yours, so that should make a difference, and also shooting the pellet gun in your direction while cursing at you is a direct threat. If where you live is zoned so you can have farm animals, then the police need to tell him that, and recommend he get some ear plugs because if it is zone agricultural like where I live, then any farm animal is permitted. I wonder how that idiot would like it if you decided to get some Peacocks. This is just so unbelievable, how rude, obnoxious and just plain mean some people can be. Being sleep deprived is no excuse for pointing or shooting a pellet gun at someone or their pets that are on their own property, and it's definitely no excuse for trespassing. I haven't read through all of the other posts here yet so let me do that right no, I just replied as soon as I saw the post. I hope the police did something positive for you and that none of your birds are injured.
Yeah get a mixed flock of guinees and peacocks!!!!!!!
From NE TN here. So grateful for the neighbors we have! No one has ever complained of our 2 roosters and 24 hens! We are a bit rural, farms, but condos moving in, The City just reached out and "incorporated" us a few years ago against everybody's desire.... so that battle still rages... But being rural, few houses, makes for foxes, raccoons, deer, Bear et al, so we do keep a pellet gun. it's to scare some of the critters off... But any body had started shooting at me would NOT have had time to meet my pellet gun. I do so enjoy the element of surprise.
This thread is moving fast . But I have drive way alarms that are battery operated will transmit about two hundred feet . A leaf blowing in front of them will set the alarm off . Harbor freight under twenty dollars .You might get one and place it on the path they traveled on to your property .Give you some warning they are there .
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