My New Hampshire has been dropping pieces of shelless egg throughout the day.


Jun 13, 2022
She didn't lay a whole shelless egg, but has been dropping pieces of egg white and yolk randomly all day today. I found small puddles of egg all over the coop that the rest of the girls were feasting on. The New Hampshire, Cheesey Poof, is the one chicken I have who lays shelless eggs, and today it wasn't the normal 'whole egg without the shell'. I don't have pictures of the puddles, because the girls gobbled it all up, but any methods/herbs/products you think might help, please tell me.
The thing I'd worry about is infection. I have a current issue myself with an almost 2 yr old hatchery EE hen. If your hen looks like she's lethargic and out of sorts, I'd guess maybe infection is beginning from egg contents being in places it shouldn't be. My girl was not herself at all for a whole day and at roost time, I saw albumen and a piece of shell hanging from her vent, separated her and started her on Duramycin in her water, just in case she was getting an infection. I have no idea when an egg broke inside her, maybe a couple of days ago. That's about all you can do, really, watch her and if you feel she's going downhill, get her on some antibiotics for a few days, just in case. I don't do that for hens who I feel are laying internally, but if it is a new infection, or you think so, can't really hurt to try to stave that off and help her recover. Sounds like she may have crushed an egg inside, hard to say exactly.
We often fly blind on these things, unfortunately. They can get better without intervention or become a very ill hen. I had a blue Ameraucana hen who always had soft shells, no matter how much oyster shell she consumed. I guess her body did not process the calcium or she had some Vit D deficiency for some reason. Nothing I did made it better for her. Some hens are chronic with these issues.
The thing I'd worry about is infection. I have a current issue myself with an almost 2 yr old hatchery EE hen. If your hen looks like she's lethargic and out of sorts, I'd guess maybe infection is beginning from egg contents being in places it shouldn't be. My girl was not herself at all for a whole day and at roost time, I saw albumen and a piece of shell hanging from her vent, separated her and started her on Duramycin in her water, just in case she was getting an infection. I have no idea when an egg broke inside her, maybe a couple of days ago.
I'm sorry about your EE! I hope she gets well soon.
Also, if it is an infection, will it harm the hens that were eating the pieces off the ground?
That's about all you can do, really, watch her and if you feel she's going downhill, get her on some antibiotics for a few days, just in case. I don't do that for hens who I feel are laying internally, but if it is a new infection, or you think so, can't really hurt to try to stave that off and help her recover. Sounds like she may have crushed an egg inside, hard to say exactly.
We often fly blind on these things, unfortunately. They can get better without intervention or become a very ill hen.
She looks better today and isn't dropping any more pieces of egg. I doubt it's new infection, since she's been laying shelless eggs her whole life.
I had a blue Ameraucana hen who always had soft shells, no matter how much oyster shell she consumed. I guess her body did not process the calcium or she had some Vit D deficiency for some reason. Nothing I did made it better for her. Some hens are chronic with these issues.
My New Hampshire is the same way. I'm guessing in my hen's condition, her shelless egg problem is chronic.

Thank you for the advice! All of it was very helpful.
My girl is feeling much more perky today, thanks. Hopefully, yours will keep on trucking and her condition won't do her in too soon. I don't think it will hurt the others to eat the bits of yolk, no, probably not.
She's doing fine today. No more dropping free snacks for the rest of the flock. 🤣
Thank you for all your help!

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