My Old Boi Scrappy

Cookie turned out to be male as well šŸ¤£ So I have three boys. At least they get along though and enjoy each other.
It's been a while @MageofMist how is scrappy (Anubis is nearing his 1 year next week ! Just gave him medicine for feather mites

Scrappy sadly passed away on the 26th of October, he lived a long and happy life though, nearly making it to 5 years old and I was thankfully able to be with him in his final moments, with him peacefully passing away cuddled up in my hands.

Lulu his boyfriend is still going strong, and I still have the other mischievous quail boys who have been taming up amazingly. Canary in particular seems to have taken a lot after Scrappy in personality from living with him.

Scrappy sadly passed away on the 26th of October, he lived a long and happy life though, nearly making it to 5 years old and I was thankfully able to be with him in his final moments, with him peacefully passing away cuddled up in my hands.

Lulu his boyfriend is still going strong, and I still have the other mischievous quail boys who have been taming up amazingly. Canary in particular seems to have taken a lot after Scrappy in personality from living with him.
Rip scrappy u will be missed canary is cute
Rest in peace, Scrappy. He gave and received so much love. I'm glad his passing was long delayed and ultimately peaceful.
Awww so sorry to hear about Scrappy. He had such a happy life with you.
I am glad I was able to be there for him in his final moments. As he got older that was one of my biggest fears that he'd pass away while I was out, but he held on long enough for one last cuddle.

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