My old hen has lime green poop on her feathers below her vent

I just a got picture of her most recent poop I cleaned it up after I took the pictures. I have paper towels on top of the towel. This whole time since she was outside and when I brought her in she has been talking (cooing?) A fair amount the sounds are fairly quite though. They are normal hen sounds.

She seems comfortable. During the time I typed this reply she had made the sound about 4 times. Her crop feels the same as earlier for the most part but I think it feels like more food is in there this time. Still has more liquid than food.
Does she still lay eggs? Extra calcium if she's not laying eggs might not be a good idea although that elixir doesn't have much in it. I would keep soaking the flock raiser to make a mash and feeding her that. I would also have fresh water available in addition to the other. Her poop looks better. Was she being picked on out in the run with the others? Sorry if it was in your previous posts my memory isn't what it used to be haha. If she got picked on and stopped eating because of that her health could have declined as well as her appetite. I was also wondering if she got into something that turned her poop green.
I don't think she has laid eggs in a couple years. And I don't think she got into anything that would make her poop green. My chickens free range from around 8:00 am until the sun goes down, I don't think I have seen her get bullied before in fact before I brought her in she would peck at some of the other hens when I was trying to get her to eat. We have 8 ducks and a rooster as well 9 other hens. Most of them are as old as Broken toe. And I could be really wrong about how old they are no one wrote down when we got our first chickens which she is one of our first chickens so she could be older than what I said. As I am writing this she is drinking the sugar water.
I think she likes the sugar water. She also has been congested sounding but she has been that way longer than what ever is happening to her right now.
It’s obvious you care very much for this hen, I truly hope she gets well and you’re doing a great job!
Thank you! I love all my chickens and ducks and cat and dogs. I have practically grown up with Broken toe and many of the others. I don't know what I (and the chickens and ducks) would do without BYC and everyone on it!
Maybe they will get some answers that will help you. I have a Black Australorp with toes on both feet like yours has. Her name is Mama Toe and she's one of my favorite chickens ever so I'm rooting for Broken Toe to pull through!
And maybe this thread will help them to if they see it.
Thank you! I hope your chicken stays healthy and lives a long happy life!

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