My old hen has lime green poop on her feathers below her vent

Here she is

She seems to be handling it well. I have not cleaned her butt feathers yet I am going to tomorrow.
I want to check up on her every 3 hours does that sound good? My room is already 66 degrees so I am hoping she won't get to hot or anything. I got her to drink a little bit of plain water. I think she will do alright, I am hoping she will do alright.
For sugar water, it's 1teaspoon sugar per cup of water.

How's she doing?

Looks like you've done a good job getting her kennel set up. She looks comfy in there:)
She spilled her water (I left her water in there cause I felt that she didn't drink enough when I offered it to her which was like none besides whatever I got into her beak) but she seems alright she expelled some more urates I believe is what most of it was, and she doesn't seem hot or cold as well as she doesn't seem to mind being in the house. Here are pictures of her. My room is 59 degrees right now. I felt her crop and I felt for the most part empty but still had fluid in it it also felt like it was lower down to either that it is because of the way she was sitting when I felt it.

Should I try giving her a calcium tablet? I tried to yesterday and epically failed long story short I crushed the tablet and she didn't want it (she showed interest in it but that's it). I know that is supposed to relax her muscles right? I think she is having a harder time pooping or something.
She was shaking as she pooped just a bit ago.
I offered Broken toe some feed that I got wet she doesn't want to eat it dry. She ate some and also drank a little but not much.
Any tips on how to clean her and dry her and make it as stress less as possible would be nice. My room as I am writing this is 59 degrees but was 57 (I am sitting in my room right now and I wasn't earlier so I think that is why it warmed up) should I make it warmer?

The rest of the house is about 75-74 degrees so if I have to bring her anywhere else in the house should I let her slowly get used to that temperature?

Thank you!
I cleaned her butt off the best I could, it was hard to get all the tiny prices off her feathers.

Is this from frost bite? it has been there for a quite some time.

She ate some food and I couldn't really get her to drink but I know that I am able to get some water down her. Should I give her some coconut oil? Her crop is emptying but I don't think it is emptying fast enough or something. I have never had any thing like this happen before so I don't exactly know what feels normal. Her crop feels mushy? Right now like food and water is in there but it is not full it is only about the size of a ping pong ball. She pooped to when I was bathing her. I hope I covered everything for this update or whatever.
She is sleeping while standing right now, and my room is 66 degrees but I have my door open so it warms up a little since I had bathed Broken toe. It got to 70 when we dried her with the hair dryer. I kept it on the lowest setting I made sure the water I bathed her in was warm.
I am going to make some sugar water for her.
I believe it has looked normal this whole time. Poop wasn't stuck to her vent but the feathers. Her vent was completely clear this whole time no poop stuck to it. What tempt do you think the room should be? It is 61 last I checked, I am keeping the door cracked I don't want it to get to cold in there as some of her feathers are still damp. I was thinking of fermenting her feed I am not sure if that is a good idea or not though (I have never fermented feed before and don't know much about it or how to ferment it). I have empty jelly jars that I could use for the feed. And what feed should I ferment should I ferment the layer pellets which are mixed in with the all flock or should I just ferment the all flock for her if ferment at all?
I believe it has looked normal this whole time. Poop wasn't stuck to her vent but the feathers. Her vent was completely clear this whole time no poop stuck to it. What tempt do you think the room should be? It is 61 last I checked, I am keeping the door cracked I don't want it to get to cold in there as some of her feathers are still damp. I was thinking of fermenting her feed I am not sure if that is a good idea or not though (I have never fermented feed before and don't know much about it or how to ferment it). I have empty jelly jars that I could use for the feed. And what feed should I ferment should I ferment the layer pellets which are mixed in with the all flock or should I just ferment the all flock for her if ferment at all?
Fermenting takes time. I don't know if that will help. The color of the poop is concerning though.

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