My quail eggs came in today...

Seller is going to make it right..

ETA: Coturnix are hard to candle aren't they ?
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They are. I do it with an LED flashlight and a plastic Solo cup with a hole at the end. The flashlight came from Walmart with a stand so that makes it pretty easy.

I've had some bad shipments so I check the eggs for cracks before they go in the bator. Then about 5 to 7 days.

Sometimes the eggs are really easy to see into, sometimes it's like I turned the flashlight off. I kind of roll the egg around to get the best angle.

Clear ones get tossed. Some give off a reddish cast and they go back in the bator. You won't see an embryo or "blood ring" on bad ones.

Mostly, I'm trying to minimize stink bombs, but I'm conservative because I want to give each egg a chance.
These eggs were pretty shaken up in the I will probably try to candle them to take out any bad ones. If they are bad and I miss them, will they explode or just stink ? I sure don't want to egg all over the bator. I am just getting started in quail..
I just bought battery penlight candler that came in the other day(hadn't had a chance to use it yet). It had the one led light in it(one led light probably won't do the job on these eggs though). I have an corded candler but I wanted one I could use anywhere.
Yeah, I guess, but with extreme caution
..I 'll be checking them often(just to get any bad ones out) Just hope they don't explode in my bator...

I am just really not sure what to do ...
I've had my share of explodeing eggs before. Goose, duck, and chickens eggs. Those were all nasty!

Most of them were when I was candleing and I had them close to my face because I wasn't so certain on some of them.

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