My sister, the one I watch over, is ill

Thanks so very much for your thoughts, well wishes, and prayers.
There's no news yet, still waiting for some tests.
She had Hep as a young kid which ran its course without issue, and docs now have made it clear that they're not sure if it's Hep, need more tests. They have her on IV's and she's in good spirits. I'm the baby of all us siblings and she's the oldest. There's a big age gap. She practically raised me, and her son and I have taken care of her for years now. Thank you again.
Adding that I'll post an update.
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This came on so suddenly, and so bad. She's routinely under the care of several docs (2-3x per month) and has been for years for various health issues unrelated to this, and she has blood work done at least bi-monthly. One day all is ok, next morning she's terribly ill.

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