My stress is through the roof

I may very well have to, I'm not very math smart lol. Also it doesn't say how much each syringe holds or at least you can't tell because of the dark color of the drench.
OK, Peeper follow me... Breathe iiinnnn, breath ouuuuuut. Repeat. More if you need it. :hugs Mix the gallon, fill the waterer as needed, trust your hubby, and try not to fidget too much at work while you're waiting to get home to those cute little fuzzballs.
OK, Peeper follow me... Breathe iiinnnn, breath ouuuuuut. Repeat. More if you need it. :hugs Mix the gallon, fill the waterer as needed, trust your hubby, and try not to fidget too much at work while you're waiting to get home to those cute little fuzzballs.
Lol I got the breathing down I think and am making the water. No more questions lol!
Lol I got the breathing down I think and am making the water. No more questions lol!
No, no, no - ask away. How else are you going to find things out? I'm just smiling over here, because I have been where you are. It almost gets easier as time goes by. I have a hen that has vanished. She's the one who has decided to lay her eggs in the deep recesses of the hay shed. I haven't seen her for days. She's either been eaten or is setting on eggs. I've learned over the years not to stress over it too much. She'll come back or she won't. She'll have chicks or she won't. Worrying about it has not changed a single outcome. Good luck with your chicks!
Ahhhh!!!! I am using one of those tiny chick water containers, how many drops do I add to it? It is giving gallon directions and I don't like doing supplements that way.
You don't have to be a math genius. If doing quarts, just divide the gallon thing by 4.
A quart is a quarter of a gallon. (I hope most of us learned that in grade school)
For instance, directions for chicks 1-4 days is 4 fl. ox. per gallon. So that means you need 1 oz. per quart. 1 fl. oz. is 2 Tbsp.. So for 1-4 day old chicks, mix 2 Tbsps. per quart.
No, no, no - ask away. How else are you going to find things out? I'm just smiling over here, because I have been where you are. It almost gets easier as time goes by. I have a hen that has vanished. She's the one who has decided to lay her eggs in the deep recesses of the hay shed. I haven't seen her for days. She's either been eaten or is setting on eggs. I've learned over the years not to stress over it too much. She'll come back or she won't. She'll have chicks or she won't. Worrying about it has not changed a single outcome. Good luck with your chicks!
Well I hope your hen meets you with a parade of babies!! I think trying incubating is never going to happen lmao this is bad enough the first go round. :gig
You don't have to be a math genius. If doing quarts, just divide the gallon thing by 4.
A quart is a quarter of a gallon. (I hope most of us learned that in grade school)
For instance, directions for chicks 1-4 days is 4 fl. ox. per gallon. So that means you need 1 oz. per quart. 1 fl. oz. is 2 Tbsp.. So for 1-4 day old chicks, mix 2 Tbsps. per quart.
Your awesome, thank you. :hugs
My first chicks (17!) arrived last Wednesday. I was so worried about them and showed up at the p.o. while they were at the distribution center (I got a text that said they were in), then held my breath for 3 hours while they took a ride around town only to go back to distribution when the truck broke down!
They were in great condition when I finally got them home (2nd pic), and continue to thrive and grow like weeds! The first pic, taken today, shows a few sitting atop the brooder!
No worries, Peeps, you'll all do fine! I just gave mine plain water, too. It flat didn't occur to me to give them anything different, and I didn't think to ask, lol! But I did know they might not figure it out on their own, so ....

Not knowing what else to do, I just picked up each fuzzy little body, aimed its little beak at the water dish like a ballistic missile, and tapped its little beak into the water. Then I sat it on its warbly little feet and grabbed another one; repeat. After I had dunked about 50 birds (I only had 19), I figured I had probably baptized most of em at least once, and most of them by that time were both eating and drinking so I was happy. They all survived and so did I, yay!

Then they all got Pasty Butt and suddenly my survival seemed a lot less assured....
View attachment 1793248 View attachment 1793249 My first chicks (17!) arrived last Wednesday. I was so worried about them and showed up at the p.o. while they were at the distribution center (I got a text that said they were in), then held my breath for 3 hours while they took a ride around town only to go back to distribution when the truck broke down!
They were in great condition when I finally got them home (2nd pic), and continue to thrive and grow like weeds! The first pic, taken today, shows a few sitting atop the brooder!
Awww, wow 17 I would of really been a wreck! Yours had quite a delivery! :gig

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