Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Here's one of my Turkens, I have around 9 and 1 turken roo.

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Very Handsome, John!

This weeks hatch is starting early. 4 chicks out already --- first out was a featherneck and 2nd, 3rd, and 4th are Naked Necks.
edited to add: #5 chick just popped out and it is another Naked Neck!
edit:and #6 is Naked Neck!
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Here's one of my Turkens, I have around 9  and 1 turken roo. :D

Very pretty. Is it a mille fleur?

Dipsy, How many chickens DO you have?!! My DH told me today that if I build another coop he's moving to the gargae.
My response: "You mean, that's all it takes!" LOL!!
Honestly, I don't keep count. But the first week of Jan I counted 143 hens that I know had already started laying and older girls (I only counted because it was so pathetic that I was getting less than a doz eggs a day and I was getting annoyed about it). No idea how many roosters and youngsters/chicks are here.
Honestly, I don't keep count. But the first week of Jan I counted 143 hens that I know had already started laying and older girls (I only counted because it was so pathetic that I was getting less than a doz eggs a day and I was getting annoyed about it). No idea how many roosters and youngsters/chicks are here.

Oh! You've got to take pictures of your set up so I can see what 143+ chickens looks like! I'll have to live it through you!
I think the 'pure' NNs are supposed to have yellow skin (save for the blood red neck and face!). My pure breeds all seem to have yellow skin with black legs.....but the NN crosses have other colours. Some of my crosses have what I believe to be called 'gypsy face' on their cheeks, including the outsize Blackchops.

What is it with little NN roosters, too? Arian (unfortunately not Arianne) a predominantly grey, splash tiny little fellow with a pathetic reedy little whine for a crow is a mini sex machine. He probably weighs all of 2 lbs and he is trying to mate with everything including my grand old dame Dark Brahma, Mrs Grey, who tips the scales (literally) at just under 11lbs. She pecks him furiously, but he is nimble and agile and is a rather like an annoying big meat fly around your head in the summer months....

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