Naked Neck/Turken Thread

love them. kids can catch and pick up the big rooster and he never bites them. just lies in their arms.

good foragers, eggs are nice size.. also good for meat, many are heavy and less feathers to pluck.

(sorry for grammar, hurt arm, hard to type with one hand)
this is another of my hen ,she lays the biggest eggs

YippeeHippee! I have my first blue Cuckoo Naked Neck green-egger chick in the hatcher this morning.
It's from one of my black giant NN cross hens and a blue barred Rock roo (from Kathy's eggs). The hen lays a green egg so the chick may lay a green egg as well. (Hahaha I have the first home-bred blue/blue Barred Rock eggs hatched too, but those are not nearly as exciting as the Naked Neck chick!)
I just changed up roosters in my Cuckoo green-egger pen (got rid of the floppy combed boy and replaced him with one of his bearded blue Cuckoo sons that *so far* has a decent pea comb.
The pen is big enough to move black giant NN hen in with them ---yaay!

I used to think I didn't like red-skin NN's (my first NN's were big red-skin buff girls). Then I realized... it's not so much skin color, I don't care for buff/brown/tan/red birds no matter what color their skin is.


Hi! I'll post one when hatch is done. Last 2 eggs in this group aren't out yet (pipped, but not out).
Can't see a headspot to tell if it inherited barring, but NN chick is a yummy light blue.
I'm pretty sure the blue barred Rock is Bb --- "A barred male that is Bb when mated with a non-barred female will produce 50% barred offspring and 50% non-barred offspring." --- so it could go either way.

Yeah, please post pics when you can. I bet the chicks are really cool!

My roo is so active, I almost think someone slipped him Viagara... Poor girls. Can't wait to see your pictures!

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