Naked Neck/Turken Thread

All good signs of a potential for recovery.
Good to hear! He might have also lost vision in that R eye. Hold the water more towards his left eye to see if it makes any difference and if he initiates drinking without the sound. I am sure it is even possible he could have lost vision in both eyes???
"Dipsy Doodle Doo" with her baby tucked under her. She's such a good mama! I put 4 eggs under her. One was a dud, two hatched and the third is peeping inside the egg.

I love the picture too! It is so sweet to see the chick under mom's wing :)

Guess what!!! Boo Boo's neck is all clear!!!!!!!!! I guess it was my fault and if I had initially left the spot on her neck alone, I guess it would have cleared on it's own! Maybe she was allergic to the antibiotic cream!!! No wonder every time I smeared more on, she got more bumps!
Here is hoping it stays away!!!
This evening while holding Hector (that is his name) he could put partial weight on his legs but needed me to support him half way or he falls over. Yes his eyes are equal. And his R wing is not flaccid but he still does not move it (yet) he does not seem to be in pain but seems a little confused. If I hold a cup of water in front of him, he ignores it but if I shake it so he hears the water, he ducks in a takes a long drink. He is a big beautiful bird and I hope that he does recover. I am not sure what to do with the other rooster but I am thinking of sending him away.

The way Betty told the story the white Am was flying up and jumping on Hector who was not resisting at the point that she found them. I don't see much in the way of bruises but there are some feathers missing on his back where the neck starts.
I had a rooster that was like this and he never got better and he killed one of my hens. He eventually challenged a neighborhood dag and you can imagine how well that turned out. Sometimes they need to be isolated, culled, or gotten rid of. It's unfortunate but true. It also depends on if you have him for breeding or not. I was recently made aware that white ameraucana's are rare. I have been looking for some in my area for over a year.
I'm saddened to hear what happened to your little naked neck but it sounds like he is recovering and just needs some time and love. I would definatly NOT put them together again due to the extreme territorial nature of the other rooster. This time of year especially.
She's a cute girl! Are the chicks 'hers' or from other hens?
Glad Booboo's rash has cleared up. That must have been worrisome.
Thank you :) It was very concerning. When I had first reported it was clearing up with the cream, I thought it was done and over with. This time I made sure it was completely gone before I said anything! I hope this is the last of it and I can move on. I kept worrying it was something that meant some underlying disease was present. Everyone is happy and healthy and I hope to take a few group photo shots soon

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