
Out of my 10, only one has earned a name so far. Hub and I had just had a conversation (can't even begin to say how we got on the subject..) about catching flies with chopsticks. lol...very stupid, i know.

Anyway, later the same day, I was visiting with my one meanie that I had to separate from the rest and lo and behold, she just up and grabbed a fly out of the air. She is now dubbed "Chopstix".

On edit: I forgot, my daughter has named the poor little chickie that seems to get pecked the most "band-aid".
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We named one of ours Chibi (don't know if its a rooster or hen yet), this is the most tamed of our group.
I have Delawares so I wanted to name them after towns in Delaware(my home state) but DD said no. Spoil sport.(she's from Texas)
We have these names so far for our chickens:

Lucy (Red pullet) - smallest, yet most tamed of our chickens. She loves to crawl onto your hand and up your arm.
Ethel (Red pullet) - largest Red, the Reds are the most tamed.
Penelope (Americauna pullet) - Light colored with a dark brown spot on the top of her head.
Minnie (Americauna pullet) - Dark mottled grey with darker head. She is the most curious of the chicks.
Gertrude (Americauna pullet) - Medium brown with dark brown spot on the top of her head. She will fight to the death for a mealworm.
Blondie (Americauna Pullet) - Cream with almost black markings on her wings and the top of her head. She can scream her head off when picked up.
Salt (White Bantam) - Cute, Cute, Cute little all white bantam. Roo or pullet? Not sure yet since the bantams were straight run.
Pepper (Black Frizzled Bantam) - The oddest looking chick. Looks like someone took an eyelash curler to its wing feathers and tail.
Nutmeg (Light Brown Bantam) - Adorable little thing with brown "chipmunk" striped markings on it's back.
Helen - Very special Black sex-linked pullet with crossed beak and one malformed eye. Was a freebie from the feed store, but seems to be eating and growing well.

We still need to name two more of the Red pullets, two Barred Rock pullets, and one Black Sex-link pullet.
These are my names-
Kip- Black bantam cochin roo. Serious, always giving you "the eye", but very good to his girls.
LaFawnduh- BR. Fat, bossy, sqwacky, will mow over anyone or anything for a worm.
Bertha- BR. Skinny, bossy, sqwacky, will ALSO mow over anyone or anything for a worm.
Tina- Bantam Partridge cochin. Broody, pissy, and likes to have Kip to herself. Will sit on golfballs if you let her.
Elvira- Black silkie. She's the top girl and knows it.
Sasha- Millie Fleur d'uccle. Skiddish except when you have a treat in your hand. Likes to sit on the highest spot and sqwack her business to the world.
Kendra (aka Chicken Hawk)- Standard Buff Cochin. Is always looking for a hand out and is very curious. Sometimes I find her on the patio eating the dog food.
We call her Chicken Hawk because she likes to perch on your arm like a falcon.
Gwen- Partridge Silkie. Has a "whatever" attitude. You could pick her up by her feet and she wouldn't care.
Daisy- Spash Silkie. Thinks everyone is out to get her. Fast as lightning when you try to catch her.
And last but not least, there is Hotwing (three weeks) and Nugget (almost two weeks). They like to snuggle with me on the couch and peep 24/7.
Kip- Black bantam cochin roo. Serious, always giving you "the eye", but very good to his girls.
LaFawnduh- BR. Fat, bossy, sqwacky, will mow over anyone or anything for a worm.

A fellow lover of Napoleon Dynamite!!! Yay!!!

I have a LaFawnduh too! If I was keeping my roos I would name them Kip, Napoleon, Ricco, Pedro, Delmar, Pete & Everett.
My hens are named Eleanor, Melody, Rachel, Hot Rod (looks good, runs fast, even when she was a couple of days old), Pearl, Gloria, Doris, Cleo.

I think the funniest names I've seen on this forum were White Meat & Other White Meat!
I wanted to name all of ours after other animals, and it's mostly working:

Squid (the buttercup, who may have a comb looking like an octopus)
Foxglove (my son named her, but it's still got fox in it)
Bear (big brown bear)
Little Dipper (a smaller version of Bear -- it's a slow burn astronomy joke)
BB (the Egyptian Fayoumi, on the hope she'll have the comb that looks like horns -- BB's short for Beelzebub)
The Professors/Ducks (hard to tell apart -- we're liable to end up calling them Duck Doc or somesuch)
And if our Cuckoo Maran turns out to be female, her twisted leg somehow makes me want to call her Baba Yaga.


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