Nasty big long worm in chicken poop

You nearest Atwoods should have Wazine, Safeguard and Valbazen.
No need to waste them. I keep em, boil em, and feed them back to the chickens instead of waste them, lots of usable protein that they gobble up..

Nearest Atwoods is in Waco, alas. Can't go there without being reminded of Janet Reno, and it's 3 hours drive, but thank you.

Does boiling eliminate the worming medicine?
Why are you sorry, Dawg53? I'm confident that our birds will recover. Still wondering if there are consequences to the birds having worms, such that treatment should be done promptly.
Having an overload of worms can cause problems.
How to avoid getting them: Roundworms are primarily spread by the oral/fecal route, meaning a bird has to eat feces or something contaminated by feces to become infected. Keep founts and feeders clean. Use feeders and founts that are designed to minimize fecal contamination of the food and water. Our founts are good, the nipple type. But our feeders are standard.

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