Need a Good Laugh?!

WHAT a cutie patootie!!!

Um. Those sticks aren't sharp, are they?

JK! Sounds like she won't be doing that again...
Good for a laugh, but a painful laugh if that makes sense. Made my heart skip a beat! She does look cute even with it short, looks like a little Pixie, and sweet face! I did that once, but embarrassingly, I didn't do it as a toddler, I did it in the 5th grade!
I had hair down below my butt, which fortunately I left alone, but I decided I wanted bangs and after repeated refusals by my parents I decided to do it myself. Because my hair was always so long and heavy, I didn't factor in CURLS. So I cut out these skimpy, horrible uneven bangs and then they curled up even shorter and stuck out at the sides. And OF COURSE I did this the night before picture day at school, so my school picture that year looks like I have horns, it's just awful.
What parent doesn't have a hair cut story? I think ,I have one for each of my children. One of my girls found her Daddys razor and shaved her eyebrows off...the other took nicks out of her eyebrows with the school sissors.Just a little different take on the school sissor stories.
LOL I love to hear these stories, takes the sting out a bit. I knew it was going to happen eventually... I told her that her head is going to freeze in Illinois when we move lol

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