Need a hug, take a hug.

I've been worried about you, :hugs you were gone for a while and was hoping you were ok!!! :hugs Good luck at the therapist, we are all behind you with plenty of hugs Kelsey!! :hugs

Thank you very much! :hugs and sorry for worrying you and anyone else. :oops:

I was okay, just needed a bit of a break haha

But thank you! It went really well. :D
Great job! Going to a therapist for the first time, or even the first time in a long time can be scarey...but you are doing it! That is a HUGE step in breaking an OCD pattern! I’ve found, I have some OCD issues, that it needs tackled one at a time, otherwise it’s just to overwhelming and you just quit and retreat. Perhaps that’s what the therapist might say? I’m so happy for you to be able to acknowledge the issues, but I’m sorry that you have been are very right this site...there has been negativity on here...and there is just no reason for it. We are all on here to help each other! Some of us are not as knowledgeable, but we still try, some of us have wisdom beyond years..and they can offer great advice. The point is...we are all here with good one needs to snipe at each other just because we might be doing something, different...or, might not not yet know as much? Or might be jealous of those who do know so much. I’m glad you are entrusting us all with your issues, and hope you know that we do care, we do have good intentions, even when, sometimes, our fingers, get in the way. Good luck at the therapist!! :)

Thank you very much!!! I didn’t mention the OCD but blabbed about most everything else. :lau

And you are so wise. :love

for whomever needs it!
@KDOGG331 :hugsgood for you Kelsey.

Thank you Sour!! This is big for me. I’ve been meaning to go for months. Heck, years technically. 😂🙈:oops:

So I’m glad I finally sucked it up and went.

And it went really well and I really liked her!!

Blabbed about everything. :lau

I’m so honest when she asked if there was anything else I thought she should know/that was important for her to know I couldn’t lie and say no :lau
Hi everybody! :frow

What a great idea for a thread!! Definitely much needed. There can definitely be a lot of negativity and drama on this site sometimes, and seems like even more so especially lately, so it’s nice to see a place that isn’t. :love And besides, who doesn’t need a hug every once in a while? :hugs Love it. :love

Also, reading everyone’s stories has been so inspiring. :love :hugs

I won’t go into mine too much, at least not now, but I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety too, as well as OCD, and they’re all horrible and I wouldn’t wish them on anyone.

Mine kinda seem to almost come and go in waves or whatever. It’s always kinda there but sometimes it’s worse. Lately it’s definitely been worse and last year was pretty hard for various reasons. I mean, there were definitely some good points also some bad ones including a few depressive episodes which sucks cause I’m not used to it cause I was doing really well for year or so I thought.

I’m not really sure what happened but I think it’s a combination of several things.

Anyway, I’ve definitely been in a bit of a funk for a little while now and kinda hazy but I’m finally seeing a therapist tomorrow after months of putting it off (technically years if we’re being honest ha) so I’m hoping they can help. I made my dad call this past week because I’ve been putting it off far too long and I knew I’d never go if someone didn’t make the appointment for me.

I’m excited but also terrified at the same time. I’ve put it off so long that the fact that it’s finally actually real and happening is a bit intimidating.

But I think it will be for the best.

And the therapist seems nice so I guess that’s a plus.
Good for you, Kelsey! Glad to hear you liked her and I hope you continue to go, for your own well being and mental health. It takes courage to take that step, so kudos to you girl. :hugs
:hugs I'm so glad to hear you've taken that step! It's always hard to get out of a funk. Its a horible place to be and I hope you feel better soon. I hope the nerves pass in time for your session so you are able to relax

Thank you! :hugs

Definitely not a good place to be but thankfully I think I’m finally starting to turn the corner a bit. There were a couple weeks in like early October where I couldn’t even get out of bed. Or I would just long enough to walk/visit dogs and then back to bed the whole rest of the afternoon :oops:

Thankfully I’m not like that now but that sucked.

Even lately I haven’t been able to do much of anything for a while but now I think I’m finally turning the corner aha

Oddly I wasn’t nervous getting ready or walking in but as soon I got in the waiting room I was soooo nervous lol

But then once I got inside, that all melted away. She was really nice and I talked a lot more than I thought I would. :lau

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