Need a hug, take a hug.

@CarpCharacin it is NEVER too late!!!







The last therapist I saw wasn't very good. I tried to talk to her about how I worried about stuff, like how I was afraid that I might be suffering from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, but she said that I was just using a "grandiose rationalization" for my behavior, since I don't accomplish much compared to others my age, like she thought that I was claiming to have some disease to justify everything wrong with me, when the fear of having the disease was really just a worry that I hoped wasn't true and that was causing me anxiety. I had seen her once before in May of 2018, where she said something to me along the lines of "All you seem to do is rub people the wrong way", and when I found myself looking for a therapist again in December, I decided to give seeing her another shot, and it was a mistake.

That's sooo wrong. I hate when patients go to therapist with Medical issues. These people are not qualified to diagnose medical problems, they have NO MEDICAL TRAINING. A real medical professional would have tested you for CJD. CJD is not a joke, especially in Wisconsin and the Midwest!! I also personally had a patient die from West Nile virus when I worked in ICU.
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That's sooo wrong. I hate when patients go to therapist with Medical issues. These people are not qualified to diagnose medical problems, the have NO MEDICAL TRAINING. A real medical professional would have tested you for CJD. CJD is not a joke, especially in Wisconsin and the Midwest!! I also personally had a patient die from West Nile virus when I worked in ICU.
My sleep specialist didn't think that I had CJD.
I take care of patients on HEMODIALYSIS, they get treatments 3 to 4 hrs per treatment, 3x's per week. Either Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday, We have SUNDAYS OFF and so DO our patients. These people are depressed, hate coming to treatment, and have diets that are difficult to follow. I have been doing this type of nursing for 7yrs. Sometimes it's good, sometimes BAD. I like to feel I make a difference in their lives. I tell them about my chickens, GIVE EGGS, show pictures and videos of the girls, and try to have a smile on my face when the come and go. I'm not famous, not rich, but feel I touch my patients lives. That makes me RICH!

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