Need a hug, take a hug.

I’m glad this thread is back! I was just thinking about it the other day actually and wondering whatever happened to it. It was such a good thread and I loved all the positivity and everything. Glad it’s back.
I'm also happy it's back, a place of no judgement and full of kindness :hugs :hugs hugs for those in need
How are things going for you? :hugs
Things are going pretty well, thanks. Had a headache earlier today but it’s starting to go away finally ha honestly have had a few kinda rough days lately; they’re kinda random in when they occur, but overall mostly pretty good. :) I had a broody hatch some chicks this week so that’s exciting. :D how are you!?
Things are going pretty well, thanks. Had a headache earlier today but it’s starting to go away finally ha honestly have had a few kinda rough days lately; they’re kinda random in when they occur, but overall mostly pretty good. :) I had a broody hatch some chicks this week so that’s exciting. :D how are you!?
doing pretty good all things considered. Taking one day at a time and going slow, working with a cane at home so I can do more. Being home this much is driving me crazy, since I'm normally gone most of the day. No work until September.

headaches are no fun, hope yours stay gone :hugs :hugs I love when we have chicks 😍
doing pretty good all things considered. Taking one day at a time and going slow, working with a cane at home so I can do more. Being home this much is driving me crazy, since I'm normally gone most of the day. No work until September.

headaches are no fun, hope yours stay gone :hugs :hugs I love when we have chicks 😍
I’m glad to hear you’re getting better!! I know we were all so worried when Bob had mentioned your health scare on the other thread. :hugs ❤️

And I can imagine!!! This COVID stuff has everybody going a tad bit crazy I think haha but I imagine it must be worse for you!! Is your area going to go back to school this fall or will they do online??? Or have they not decided yet???

And thank you! It ended up coming back earlier so I had to take some meds but better now ha

And yes me too!!! I have never had a broody hatch chicks before either so I am having a lot of fun watching them!!! It’s so adorable!! 🥰

I also now feel bad for all the brooder raised chicks I’ve had watching these little ones adventure all over 😂🤣🙈

It amazes me how such little tiny puff balls can keep up with mama too!!! So much for chicks being “fragile” 😂🤣

They only hatched Tuesday and Wednesday.

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