Need a man's point of view

Yeah I thought so, he didn't like it when we used the garage as a brooder (they were in an extra large dog kennel of course)
I'm not a man either, but I would also say NO! I would think that it would be difficult to ever get it totally clean afterward and to keep them out of whatever 'stuff' you have in there. If chickens are legal in your area, and they aren't too loud, I wouldn't worry about it. I stressed myself out thinking about whether the noise would bother anyone, then I thought about how many people in the neighborhood have noisy barking dogs, loud cars, etc, and I figured that chickens aren't any worse. Not to mention that they are allowed here. So far mine are quiet...
Okay, a man's viewpoint.

I'll let her put chickens in MY workplace when she lets me store my greasy tools in her quilt room!

Chickens belong outside, tools in the garage.
Also I think TheSpiceGirls said it they will mellow with experience. He didnt build the coop wrong... Sound insulation is pretty easy to do another layer of wood with newspaper behind it.... Something that if it got into the coop wouldn't be hazardous to their health like fiberglass insulation.... (it non toxic but you don't want to eat it)

Oh I thought you had to use outdoor plywood to build the coop. It would be hard to add on another wall since there's a hatch or window on every side of the coop LOL but I'll think of something...

Oh also, I forgot to mention that I did brood them in the garage as babies. We also had a loveseat in the garage, they would free range in the day and they would all cuddle on the loveseat at night... LOTS O POOP! I cleaned it up every day:lol: so it didn't go out of control, but yeah, bigger chickens, bigger poop.

As long as the plywood is well painted it should be fine outside.... lol
I am a man and the chickens are mine more than my wife's at our house and I say NO. I agree with darkmatter: If you would let them roost in your living room, the maybe he will be ok with them in his garage. Between the poop, flies, smell, dust, noise and space issues, I do not know which would be worse. Give him his space and let him build them their own.
I was just going to say let him do an oil change in the kitchen and change the seals of an engine in your living room and then I think he would like it. I did brood in my living room this past winter/spring and I wouldn't want to do it again if I can help it, I'm getting their dander off my mantle and furniture and they've been out of there for months now.
Hi from Ga. You might let the neighbors know you have farm eggs for sale. That way they will tend to ignore the noise. I started off by giving my closes neighbors a dozen eggs. That broke the ice.

Yes, good point! He said he's never going to build a coop ever again, and he would rather buy one lol so problem solved!! LOL
We ended up talking about it, I didn't ask him, he suggested that we buy a coop with wheels and put them in the garage during dark hours of winter, that way they can have an extended light to keep laying their delicious eggs he enjoys!

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