need advice, feather picking and eating

The munchies should help. The size would be okay if they could be out in the run every day. Sadly the weather isn't working out for many of us this year. Mine keep having spells of needing to stay inside as well. There are some anti-pick sprays you can buy that are supposed to help. I've never tried them myself though. Maybe someone else will chime in here with more about those products.
I've tried Hot Pick, a spray that is supposed to deter them from picking. They definately don't like the taste of it, but just find feathers that haven't been sprayed as much and pick there. It's not nearly as effective as I had hoped. I will definately be planning the munchies tomorrow. It is supposed to rain all day, so another day inside for them:( I'll be setting my alarm early so I can give them munchies before they start eating feathers!
We'll be inside here too.
Here is a recipe for chicken bread. I make this up and sometimes add some scratch mixed in with it or banana's that are starting to ripen too much. It keeps them busy for awhile and gives them a protein boost. I'll be serving this to mine tomorrow.

Chicken Bread

1 cup oatmeal
1 cup cornmeal
1/4 cup wheat germ
10 eggs

Beat the eggs, add dry ingredients and mix well. Pour into greased and floured bread pan. Bake at 325 for one hour. Allow to cool completely before serving.
I'm getting so frustrated. We had a few nice days and the chickens were out. Feathers were growing back. Then today, the other two meanies plucked all the new feather growth and even drew a little blood. I have been giving them extra protien, hung a cabbage, bought a flock block, put salt in their water, and sprayed with hot pick. Today I smeared pine tar on poor Bitsy's bottom. The other two were still picking her even though they obviously didn't like the taste. I have been taking everyone's advice. The problem seemed to be getting better, and now this. ARGH! Does anyone else have any ideas??

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