Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

I also have noticed that her chest area has a crease, or sunk in and my others dont look like that.
I have stopped using staw or shaving to much moisture,I had a 34 yr old cough for 4 days it was on Thanksgiving she died 2 days later after a necropsy they said broncitus and Pneumonia so be careful and get her help soon!
I also have noticed that her chest area has a crease, or sunk in and my others dont look like that.

Both my pekins had creases in their chest. It is normal and just part of their make up. Have you tried Apple cider vinegar (with the mother). I found it help when one of mine started to cough. I had one that would almost hiccup and it never did go away but never caused any harm. He is healthy and doing fine just squeaks a few times a day.
Both my pekins had creases in their chest. It is normal and just part of their make up. Have you tried Apple cider vinegar (with the mother). I found it help when one of mine started to cough. I had one that would almost hiccup and it never did go away but never caused any harm. He is healthy and doing fine just squeaks a few times a day.

Thank you, I was worried about that. I have used ACV a few times but never consistant
Does anyone know if this could be gapeworm? Can symptoms of gapeworm go on for a few months or is gapeworm more sudden? Trying to rule that out or go to store and get Ivermetin dewormer...She has had the cough for months now, and now she is quacking less, and seems to breathe a lil heavier then the others, and is making grunting noises now when she is breathing, not grunting the whole time but more when shes up moving around and drinking. This grunting sound/clearing throat sound/kinda a hum noise or something. hard to describe. I dont know if that is wheezing or not because its not consistant. I will try to get a video of it on here asap
Thank you, I was worried about that. I have used ACV a few times but never consistant

Did the antibiotics help at all? ACV is really safe and good for you so I would do that for a while. I don't really know what else it could be. Is she back to acting normal? Maybe some vitamins too since it won't hurt her at all and can help her kick whatever this is.
Does anyone know if this could be gapeworm? Can symptoms of gapeworm go on for a few months or is gapeworm more sudden? Trying to rule that out or go to store and get Ivermetin dewormer...She has had the cough for months now, and now she is quacking less, and seems to breathe a lil heavier then the others, and is making grunting noises now when she is breathing, not grunting the whole time but more when shes up moving around and drinking. This grunting sound/clearing throat sound/kinda a hum noise or something. hard to describe. I dont know if that is wheezing or not because its not consistant. I will try to get a video of it on here asap
You should take her inside. Its cold outside and the cold and germs outside probably aren't helping her get better...

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