Need advice/help/experiences,Pekin female cough/voice changes now

Reading back over this thread it seems that this has been going on for some time. Are any of your other birds (or any other animals at all) showing any signs similar? I am just thinking that it might actually be something in their environment. Take a moment and very carefully to the minutest detail evaluate everything they come in contact with. Not just their bedding and food but the whole picture. Are there plants they get into? Are there any environmental stressors like overly wet or damp areas they might hang out in? That sort of thing. Also, prolonged use of antibiotics can actually become the problem in that they reduce the animals natural defenses. So, use your best judgement, but think about backing off on the antibiotics a bit for a while.

Good luck, you have really been putting up the valiant fight.
She just had a coughing spell and started choking, Im so scared and dont know what to do or what is wrong with her. She now seems to be gasping for air....what do i do?
She sounds like she needs urgent care. For choking, Storey's Guide suggests

"When a duck obviously needs your assistance, pull its head forward until it is in a straight line with the neck, open the bill by squeezing with the thumb and index finger on both corners of the bill, and push your finger, a piece of 1/2-inch rubber tubing, or the eraser end of a new pencil down the bird's throat until the obstruction is dislodged."
she has stopped her choking episode. But now when shes breathing she is making a loud grunt sound during exhale,like a rattle. I have her in the house.I removed her fromthe area that was set up to the hallway on blankets instead of bedding. I am not sure if she was choking or not though....shes very congested again. the congestion has been coming and going. She was fine a few hrs ago. I dont know what happened.
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She may have internal parasites (gape worm, perhaps?), or a bacterial or fungal infection, or pneumonia, or some kind of virus. I don't think you can diagnose without help.
I just dont understand whats going on with her...she acts so normal. Eats plays in water.drinks,etc. shes never been lethargic or gasping. tonight was the 1st time ive seen her gasp for air. shes always made this grunting kinda noise but not this often and loud. How could she seem so normal besides this awful cough and difficulty breathing
I research and research...losing my mind, i love this duck and all of them.
Her symptoms fall in alot of the different diseases out there,
I thought gape worm but fecal test was negative, but then again they said its not always correct.
She has lost weight to in the last 2 wks. Very noticeable,And I see her eat alot.

I have offered all the thoughts I can - I hope you can find a path that will get her healed up for you.

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