Need help identifying this breed

Thanks but that kinda proved my point...
everyone was saying it was a pullet and then turned out to be the op stated in their 1st post...
is this your way of saying that I’m actually right and Audrey really is a pullet not a roo like everyone is saying...? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Out of curiosity, what did you initially think that wyandotte was? Did you agree with the OP that he was a cockerel, or did you see the similarities between your wyandotte and believe he was a pullet?
Out of curiosity, what did you initially think that wyandotte was? Did you agree with the OP that he was a cockerel, or did you see the similarities between your wyandotte and believe he was a pullet?
It looked completely different to Audrey.... the tail was more defined for one... the feathers were different and the comb and wattles were different.... I’ll get a video of Audrey today... she won’t hold still for photos and is proving difficult to catch since we had that damn eagle the other day......
I think the point of the other post is that it's easy to mistake a slow maturing cockerel for a pullet, especially if you're not looking hard enough or at the right things. The OP of the other thread posted photos of a bird that did have smaller comb and wattles than you would expect for a cockerel of that age but it had visible pointy saddle feathers, so it was no surprise to me that is was indeed a cockerel

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