Need help! One of my hens is breathing heavily and seams very exhausted, she isn’t eating or drinking.

Yes, you did the best you could! So sorry! You would be a great chicken owner, you should see if your mom will let you get chickens of your own! You did the best you could, and you made her comfortable, for her last little while. so sorry:hit
Thank you, I may consider getting chickens but I need more knowledge before I get a flock of my own.
Oh alright well I think it’d be better to sign off for now and handle this on my own, thanks for the help and tips though.

@Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive and @LaFleche have given loads of people on these forums a wealth of knowledge, and I've never seen anyone recommend dunking a chicken completely in water. In fact, I've always seen to simply put the chickens feet in cool water, not cold.

She was not feeling well, obviously, but she wasnt 'brain dead' as bob suggessted, she probably had heat exhaustion, meaning shes exhausted and possibly other issues. You did wonderful by her. Thank you for caring enough to take her home. You've got a wonderful heart. I'm so sorry she passed, you did all you could. Bless you!!!!
@KerryStavracos11, you are to be commended for taking this chicken home and doing your best to revive her. :hugsYou demonstrate the true spirit of BYC! @Wyorp Rock is one of our most trusted and respected members. You can trust her advice. Good luck with your little hen! We wish you all the best with her!

I'm glad someone stood up to the guy. He was rude and inconsiderate.
That was unnecessary, Bob. Very unnecessary.

I feel that he needs to write her a personal apology. No one needs to be that rude to someone who is trying to care for someone else's chicken. Those comments are hard for a person to hear or read as she is new to caring for a chicken.
She passed. I think she had a seizure then vomit came out of her mouth and she’s gone. 😭
:hugs Kerry, I'm very sorry for your loss.
You are so sweet bringing her home and caring for her like she was your own. You did the best you could, I know it must have been hard to lose her.
Thank you for hanging in there and keeping us posted.

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