
You can have some of mine. I had to build more nest boxes because of all these rotten broodies. They are relentless.

One sure way to break a broody... buy some expensive hatching eggs with premium shipping.

I'm sure I'll have many more broodies, now that these are actually at work doing something worthwhile. I have 28 layers, and I get about 12 eggs a day... 5 of them from my 5 laying ducks! So that's 7 eggs a day, from 23 chickens. Those girls are slacking!
Geeze missy dont i know it! I think a lot of my girls are getting up there in age now, i know i have a couple of four year olds.. Im getting 4-7 eggs per 27 laying hens. Not to mention every showgirl and frizzled cochin i have is broody!
Just thought I'd post a few pictures of the chickens...

Do any of these look like roosters? They're almost three months old and haven't crowed, but I'd like to have a little extra confidence. Two are EE's (white one and dark one) and the other is a Golden Sex Link
Also, I can feed them scratch and treats at this age, right? I'd like to start.
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One sure way to break a broody... buy some expensive hatching eggs with premium shipping.

I'm sure I'll have many more broodies, now that these are actually at work doing something worthwhile. I have 28 layers, and I get about 12 eggs a day... 5 of them from my 5 laying ducks! So that's 7 eggs a day, from 23 chickens. Those girls are slacking!

Geeze missy dont i know it! I think a lot of my girls are getting up there in age now, i know i have a couple of four year olds.. Im getting 4-7 eggs per 27 laying hens. Not to mention every showgirl and frizzled cochin i have is broody!
Mine have been awfully spotty lately, too. Some days I'll get a basketful and others only half a dozen!

Nice lookin' birds eggexlent. I don't think any of them are roos.
Just thought I'd post a few pictures of the chickens...

Do any of these look like roosters? They're almost three months old and haven't crowed, but I'd like to have a little extra confidence. Two are EE's (white one and dark one) and the other is a Golden Sex Link
Also, I can feed them scratch and treats at this age, right? I'd like to start.

I agree with Ron. By this age, roosters should be getting red combs. (Sometimes earlier. My silver spangled hamburg had a red comb at 2 weeks. Needless to say, he's not my hamburg anymore.) And regarding treats... if they'll eat them, it's fine. I only give mine a few handfuls a day, because they have no nutritional value. But I toss it into my older broody pen, and the mama has the chicks eat it.

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Wow, that's sooner than I thought!  Are you going to be in town for the rabbit show?
I will. The plan is get into Reno Friday afternoon unload sale rabbits and drop off pick up rabbits hang out in the showroom (I'll try to stay out of trouble) then go to the room that night finish picking rabbits up Saturday morning them head out around 12:00 pick my stuff up and the rest of the rabbits and there crap then hit the road by 1:30

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