New Brahma Group: Blue Partridge x Partridge, Plus Dark

Today, Brandy spent all day with the adults. Just a little while ago, I let her out on range with the chicks. Mostly, it was fine, but she started picking on the light colored male. It was so cute, but sad. He kept trying to get closer to her every time she'd peck at him, like "But, Mama, what did I do wrong?? I'm sorry!" Poor baby. Anyway, all it took was a little while away from them and she's breaking away. Time to make the complete break. They go to a new home next weekend.
They will be 7 weeks old when their new mama comes to pick them up this coming weekend. @katsdar check out these babies! The most dominant cockerel (partridge) and the most wussy male, who is also the largest (splash partridge) are always at odds, but both love to be picked up and held by me. They are so adorable and friendly. Good thing they're leaving soon!!
Bonnie is broody for the 3rd time, but I refuse to let her sit again. And Betsy is making clucking noises for the first time. Good grief!
I didn't know Brahma came in blue partridge, what gorgeous roosters they are. They must be monsters in size. I have only owned Cochin buff Brahma, never any standards.
I didn't know Brahma came in blue partridge, what gorgeous roosters they are. They must be monsters in size. I have only owned Cochin buff Brahma, never any standards.

I've wanted one ever since I saw a stunning photo somewhere on the web. Now, I have my gentle giant. Sebastian is just the best rooster, so sweet and comes running from wherever he is when I call him. He is about 2' tall, not sure of his weight, would have to check that out, but he has some filling out to do still before he's at his full weight. He really needs more hens, honestly. He has six with his daughter, Cora, but if the others keep going broody, he needs more than six to keep them from being so ragged.
Wow! He's gonna be a big boy when he's done filling out! You and Sijisty have made me want Brahmas more, so now I have my first Brahma girl(front and center of my avatar)
Congratulations! I know you'll enjoy her! My first Brahma was a Lt. Brahma, Miranda. She and Caroline were such a joy.

I've always loved light brahmas, since my first two chicks were light brahmas. I still have two daughters from the hen, actually. And seeing your brahmas inspired me to finally pursue breeding them. I have eggs from very nice parent stock arriving today :)
I've always loved light brahmas, since my first two chicks were light brahmas. I still have two daughters from the hen, actually. And seeing your brahmas inspired me to finally pursue breeding them. I have eggs from very nice parent stock arriving today :)

:celebrate:wee:ya Are they Lights?

My Miranda, who was a hatchery gal, but just a great hen. She was originally with Suede, but there was something off with their chemistry so I never got a chick from her with him. They'd be fertilized, for certain, but after probably 100 eggs being incubated from them, not one chick.


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