
Oct 29, 2018
Melbourne, Australia
Hi there everyone,

I know similar threads have been started here about the same subject, but I'm a very new backyard chicken enthusiast so any help would be much appreciated!

I went out and got four chickens from a reputable breeder on the weekend just passed, all wormed and vaccinated. Have done heaps of research and thoroughly inspected the health of each chook when I got them. They all seem to be vivacious, active chickens.

This morning I let them out of their roost / coop, and they all came down the ramp enthusiastically BUT once I let them out into the yard, one just stood under the shelter still in the coop, not eating or drinking, or doing anything :( She took a few steps when I went up close to her but for an hour I watched her and she just stood there.

Last night she was out and about eating scraps and feed, and seemed fine. I don't know if she's egg bound or just sick. Poop seems fine, not ruffling the feathers or anything... just not doing much of anything!

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Isa Brown, 20 weeks old, point of lay... doesn't seem any different than others.
2) What is the behavior, exactly. Standing still in the coop, not coming out and exploring or scratching, not eating or drinking.
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? One day so far
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? No. They are all fine.
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. No
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. Very new flock, barely a few days in new environment? Maybe shock or just getting used to it?
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. No, not since last night. Has been eating kitchen scraps, pullet feed and grain prior to this.
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. Normal, maybe slightly runny.
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? Nothing yet.
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? Happy to go to a vet if it comes to it? Haven't done anything yet, just watching behaviour.
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use Secured chicken coop with bottom run, wooden. Organic straw used for bedding, very dry and warm in Australia at the moment but not hot. The chickens have the run of the yard / pen.
Have you examined her. Pick her up and give her a good going over right down to the skin. How’s her crop? How does the inside of her mouth look? Her vent? Bottom of her feet? You get the idea...
Thank you for your reply!!!!
Not yet, I will do this ASAP and let you know? I will check her vent too, I don't think she's egg bound but maybe she is an "internal layer" I'm not sure :( I'm so worried!
Thank you for your reply!!!!
Not yet, I will do this ASAP and let you know? I will check her vent too, I don't think she's egg bound but maybe she is an "internal layer" I'm not sure :( I'm so worried!
Picked her up, she seems like she's a bit more lively now. She's moved out of the coop and is foraging around! Still much slower than others and keeps laying down. Perhaps she's broody already?
Doesn’t sound broody. She would more likely sit in the egg box for that.
Did you find anything when you looked her over?
At 20 weeks that’s 5 months old. My brown started laying at 16.
Have you ever checked a chicken to see if it’s egg bound?
BTW chickens will disguise illness or injuries it’s just in their DNA. They act like the forage they act like their eating etc.
Is there someway you could separate her? Like in a dog crate or a cage?
It would be so helpful to monitor her intake of food and water and her poop.
The more information the better.
Doesn’t sound broody. She would more likely sit in the egg box for that.
Did you find anything when you looked her over?
At 20 weeks that’s 5 months old. My brown started laying at 16.
Have you ever checked a chicken to see if it’s egg bound?
BTW chickens will disguise illness or injuries it’s just in their DNA. They act like the forage they act like their eating etc.
Is there someway you could separate her? Like in a dog crate or a cage?
It would be so helpful to monitor her intake of food and water and her poop.
The more information the better.

Thanks again for your advice, really appreciate it.
We have been getting eggs, not sure if it's from her or not... I will separate her from the flock tonight and see how she goes. I don't want to stress her out any more. I've never checked a chicken to see if they're egg bound but I've read a few articles and done some research so I might try this evening. My partner just checked her and she doesn't seem to be egg bound or anything. Should I keep her inside if I separate her from the flock? Will this stress her out more? Could it be because the flock is new (got them this weekend) and she's just getting familiar with her surroundings?

Sorry for all the questions!! Thank you again!
No apologies needed really. We’re all in when it comes to chickens. I mean who else understands? LOL
That will be your call. Good on you for picking up that “something” is going on. Chickens are so subtle sometimes.
It could be an adjustment thingie. I worry about her eating and drinking. It’s nightfall where your at right?
Leave her in the coop tonight if you want.
But keep an eye on her. Somethings up with her. Figuring out what it is takes patience and process of elimination. Best wishes
Thank you... you're right! No one understands! I feel like an anxious mom! It's actually midday here, I observed her behaviour at dawn this morning when I first let them out, for around 45 min she did nothing but my partner said she is now attempting to forage etc. She seems to perk up as the day goes on! I'm going to leave her tonight and see what she does tomorrow morning and I might check her to see if she's egg bound tonight. Thanks for all your help :)
Have you checked the bottom of her feet? Could be a problem there. Otherwise I would say she could just be a bit stressed by the new environment.
Have you checked the bottom of her feet? Could be a problem there. Otherwise I would say she could just be a bit stressed by the new environment.

Thanks, I just checked her feet and they’re fine, but she does seem to be careful on them and holds one up a lot. She’s certainly more energetic today - but she was the last out of the roost and I had to check on her before she came out this morning. I can’t seem to hold her for long enough to check if she’s egg bound yet... she seems to be eating and drinking again and foraging. Just not as lively as other chickens. She keeps making herself little nests on the ground and laying down... but up and about now. I think she’s just slower than the other chickens but the last two mornings have been worrying.


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