New food, chickens not eating


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 9, 2013
Adell, WI
We have been feeding our flock of 28 chickens Layena by Purina which is a pelleted food. We want to switch to organic so we started feeding Nature's Own Organics. The new food is not pelleted and I think that's what the chickens don't like about it. Much of the small broken grains just sit in the feeder. So I started mixing the old pellets back in, to see if they would eat it all if it was mixed and they are doing a very thorough job of picking out the pellets and leaving the rest. I only decided to mix the two together because I was afraid they would starve themselves. Is that possible? They do get to go outside but there is still snow on the ground so they don't really forage right now. Any suggestions to get them to eat their new food?

They will eventually eat it. They won't starve. Ours always eat the stuff they like best first. That's what gets them out of the coop in the mornings for a taste of scratch. Good taste does not explain why they like Styrofoam.

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