New here and new to raising chicks!!


7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
Hi all,

Well, I am just really starting to research... and If anyone has any tips for a newbie, I would be most grateful.

I plan on having about 4 hens... and am now trying to find a coop, or build one.. They are very expensive, and there is a lot of crap to weed out.. to say the least. So if anyone knows of a good quality coop that won't break the bank, it would be awesome. I do have a small dog house, that has a double door and can be lifted on top.. and another smaller one with a side entrance, and a liftable top as well.. I think would make good egg laying area...and I was thinking of just making a run around them.

Do I have to provide a heat source in winter or just regular shelter?.. these little houses also have insulation inside. and have a pitched roof on one, and a level roof with a slight slope on the other...

Has anyone had chicks mailed to them? if so, what was your experience? I live in NYC, so it's hard to find a way to get them, other than shipping.. which I am not too crazy about. I am looking on the site here, as well as Murray McMurray hatchery.

I am looking for Blue Laced Bantam Wyandotte's, but they are hard to find... most folks are sold out until next Spring!! I also want to get two Black Australorps, and maybe 2 Red Stars, but that would make 6!!!... Looking for egg layers only... and breeds that aren't too broody!

What region do you live in? That has a lot to do with what you choose to do with your coop. I'm in NC, I don't provide any heat. All of my chickens have shelter, but most only use the 3-sided shelters year-round. The brooder is used by our chicks, and the original coop is only used by our hens for the nesting boxes. The Hens would rather be in the shelter, no matter how cold (20 degrees F and up) it's ever been here.

A lot of the 'coops' you'll find on line are woefully undersized for the number of chickens they claim to house. Your dog houses may be just fine; pictures would help. Just make sure you put an appropriate roost in the coop, as the chickens prefer to roost rather than stay on the ground.

If you haven't found it yet, and you're not thin-skinned, there is a thread on the "managing your Flock" heading where a lot of the old-time chicken flock raisers post. They give great, common-sense advice on raising chickens that you won't get anywhere else. I've found it to be spot-on.
Hi, Yes I am in the Northeast (NYC) like I stated. I will check out the thread you suggested. I did notice the coops sold are small... I think I'd be best building one. Thanks.

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