
In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
I finally completed my homemade incubator. I call it the "RAPTOR BATOR", because it is built out of the box that the heads-up display for the F-22 Raptor came in. Yes, I said F-22 Raptor lol. I was able to get the 12-ply plywood crate that this half million dollar aircraft part come in, I got lucky as a family member works on the jets. Anyways, I have it setup in my living room right now testing it out and hopefully I will be able to set eggs tomorrow evening. Sorry I dont have any pics up yet, but they are coming. The eggs I will be attempting to hatch are Buff Orpingtons. If anyone else is setting eggs tomorrow, let me know, maybe we can go through this together.
Lol, Im working on it.
I am trying to get the thermostat set where I need it. Hopefully it wont take much longer, Im ready to set some eggs.
Good news!!!! What type thermostat are you using??. check out the Bator on my page it may give you an idea or 2.

Nice incubator. Mine isnt nearly that nice. I am using the same as you, a water heater thermostat. I had it placed to the side of the light, but moved it down to where the eggs will lay. Hopefully it will work ok now, couldnt get it tweaked lol. Anyways, I am going to take some pics and try to get them up tonight. Nice bator and thanks for all your help, all of you.
I just set my bator up tonight... got it to warm up to 100 degrees so assuming it holds the temp steady I'll be setting tomorrow night. 14 BBS orps! I'll join ya

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