New Rooster crow dampening, noise reducing device

Hi there, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

It might even give some folks the opportunity to raise flocks full of heritage cockerels instead of broilers.. I'm telling you 15 or so of them get going it can get old pretty quick. Many start crowing before harvest age.

Not for me personally, as I too value the song.. but I see SO many folks trying to keep roosters that aren't supposed to have them.. the demand would be huge IF the product were indeed as described. Yes, I also have a hen that crows.. but it's nothing like the broadcast from the fellas. If I lived in the city, I'm sure I would consider it... I can only sell eating eggs for about $4/dozen verse $65/dozen for hatching eggs.. and chicks pop out around $10 each.

I'm not generally interested in helping folks break the law by having animals specifically stated as prohibited in their city ordinance.. I don't believe most state if the rooster is quite you can keep him. I think most say NO roosters.. and loopholes are.. for losers! :rant :oops:

Licensing is a great option! Have you set a price point yet? $10 would be an easy spend for most people. But $20 would be worth it. Beyond that price point would count ME out.. but I'm a saver not a spender.. and many folks will spend WAY more than me.

Dr H, I can't help but wonder.. do you eat chicken or meat? Are you trying to save ALL the roosters.. or more so the heartache of the keepers and saving roosters is a bonus? Just curiosity! Glad you missed out on the virulent New Castle's disease mandatory quarantine followed by mandatory euthanasia of so many back yard flocks in So Cal last year! Your flock is lovely BTW.. Happy adventures and stay well! :wee

Can't wait to see your device and it's results! :pop
Hi there, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

It might even give some folks the opportunity to raise flocks full of heritage cockerels instead of broilers.. I'm telling you 15 or so of them get going it can get old pretty quick. Many start crowing before harvest age.

Not for me personally, as I too value the song.. but I see SO many folks trying to keep roosters that aren't supposed to have them.. the demand would be huge IF the product were indeed as described. Yes, I also have a hen that crows.. but it's nothing like the broadcast from the fellas. If I lived in the city, I'm sure I would consider it... I can only sell eating eggs for about $4/dozen verse $65/dozen for hatching eggs.. and chicks pop out around $10 each.

I'm not generally interested in helping folks break the law by having animals specifically stated as prohibited in their city ordinance.. I don't believe most state if the rooster is quite you can keep him. I think most say NO roosters.. and loopholes are.. for losers! :rant :oops:

Licensing is a great option! Have you set a price point yet? $10 would be an easy spend for most people. But $20 would be worth it. Beyond that price point would count ME out.. but I'm a saver not a spender.. and many folks will spend WAY more than me.

Dr H, I can't help but wonder.. do you eat chicken or meat? Are you trying to save ALL the roosters.. or more so the heartache of the keepers and saving roosters is a bonus? Just curiosity! Glad you missed out on the virulent New Castle's disease mandatory quarantine followed by mandatory euthanasia of so many back yard flocks in So Cal last year! Your flock is lovely BTW.. Happy adventures and stay well! :wee

Can't wait to see your device and it's results! :pop
You can’t save all the roosters. That’s just not the way the world works. More the heartache of chicken owners. also, a rooster actually keeps your flock way calmer and quieter. The pecking order no longer matters, less squabbling
You can’t save all the roosters. That’s just not the way the world works. More the heartache of chicken owners. also, a rooster actually keeps your flock way calmer and quieter. The pecking order no longer matters, less squabbling
I was calling it a rooster saver because the “no crow” collars are basically choke collars and are controversial. I’m trying to emphasize that it’s humane and in the rooster’s best interest too. I would be open to name suggestions! I want to enable people to have A rooster if they choose and to keep the accidental one that ends up in the flock. I would never recommend more than 1 rooster per 5-8 hens. Roosters can live together in a rooster flock on occasion, but I don’t see the point of that unless they get let out individually to breed or free range. In other words, if you hatch all your chicks from eggs like i do, even if they are quiet you will end up needing to do something with some of the roosters 😁
Hey count me in, Im using a no crow collar on my WFBS now and it has quieted his crow a lot. He seems use to it but does hold his head funny sometimes and picks at it from time to time. His hens pick at it as well. If yours is more comfortable for him I'd like to try it. Id be happy to do a video of it too.
BTW I'm in So Cal too, but in the mountains not the beach.
I, for one, would be very interested in purchasing such a product. Probably the only reason we have not gotten a rooster yet, is because of the noise factor… And we are too close to our other neighbors even though we live in the country. I love roosters I love their role in the flock and their beauty and personalities and character. I am very eagerly following this thread. Thank you!

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