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In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2017
Omaha, NE
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to join a good looking site. Looks like a lot of very good information here and smart people. I was raised on a farm but spent 73 -82 in the Army. I was a Master Crew Chief on a Huey Gunship and later transferred to a Cobra gunship. I live in the city and once they said we could have 6 chickens, I jumped on it. LOL Forgot that my well manicured lawn/flower gardens and pond would be attacked by the ladies. I ended up putting up a 3' fence around all my flower gardens and veg. gardens. If it was there, they ate it. In no time there was not a hosta to be found. LOL. Bought one of those small city chicken coops/runs not big enough for a small dog, so I am looking to enlarge the coop and the run to a much bigger area. I do have a pond and there are misc. critters come in for a drink. Most one I am worried about is the big hawk that make a point off stopping in around 3:30 - 4 p.m. everyday for a drink and bath. At night, I have about 4 to 5 little owls that come in and when I sit on the deck they will land on the rail and watch for mice, and they always get one if not more. Thats enough for now, again. Thanks and hello from a Arkansas boy in the big city. Hope I put this in the right spot. ???

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