No one wants to hear it! (pics and videos)

Hi:frow... what do you mean.. she feathered into a rooster??

Well it's been a thing of controversy, but I keep calling China a she in the video so i wanted to explain a little bit, she sex changed bc she got damaged for inside and molted into a rooster later. now she thinks she is a rooster but no boy parts or mating.
Well my hatched chick is now 4 months and full of hormones
Today he kept trying to mate with Rockie, poor girl. Thankfully he's young and he's not mean, also Marshmellow is on the case and took him off of her.

At the same time Marsh is not mean to his son and they don't fight yet so for now 'Babies' will remain with everyone, but I may have to separate him if the roosters fight or the girls get stressed

For now most girls get after him, peck him, and chase him away but he's still young and will become braver

He's a beauty though and so far his only choice of a hen will be Picasso who hasn't been mated yet

I hope I don't have to separate him
Well it's been a thing of controversy, but I keep calling China a she in the video so i wanted to explain a little bit, she sex changed bc she got damaged for inside and molted into a rooster later. now she thinks she is a rooster but no boy parts or mating.
Okay.. sorry, but I’m still a little confused... how old is s/he? And was she laying eggs before and or does she still lay??
I’m very intrigued....
She is damaged so she started only getting testosterone close to 1 yr old she molted and grew in roo feathers her eyes got firey red and she stopped acting like a hen and now acts like a roo but she doesn't mate nor has ability to procreate either way

I used to look for an egg everyday from her until she changed lol she is still good to me like a hen would be bc she knows i care for her needs but she has changed

Before the change she would be so excited for treats running back and forth the fence while I trudged over with her favorite watermelon

She is also very smart I discovered with her that chickens learn their name and will come when called specifically by name

Her brothers and other sister were really mean, they would all fight for her but she got caught in the crosshairs. She and I figured out a system at dawn I would go and call her from the coop she would come running and I would lock her up in a separate run from the others she knew this and every morning I'd call her and she came running sometimes a roo chased behind her but I was always prepared

These were my first chickens she will be 3 yrs in Feb. I'm glad I accidentally got Roo my buff orp who was purchased as a pullet bc he showed me roosters aren't bad I just got a really bad bunch (except for China) at first
I heard about this on the y ouTube documentary the secret life of chickens before I even had chickens, when I was preparing for them and I didn't believe it lol but it's out there I'm just one of those rare cases that experienced it I don't recommend TSC my rescue is from there as Well and she was born rumpless my other orps and eggers are from other sources, other batteries, well my tsc could be using different hatcharies than others bc of location in us

From Google sesrch...
When “she” becomes “he” – spontaneous sex reversal in chickens. In rare cases, a henmay take on the characteristics of a rooster. when a hen transforms into a rooster. It's not common, and a backyard flock owner may never experience it, but it happens.Dec 18, 2014
Well the young rooster Babies, is trying to mate alot and is causing stress on all the eggers poor marshmellow is running here and there trying to guard all 19 girls from him as Babies sneaks slyly around trying to get a girl unawares. If they catch him they chase him away but soon they won't be able to since he's only 4 months now

Plan is tomorrow take a small portion of the run and enclose him there it will be 6 ft by 16 ft as his own mini run with a small home. Tgat way everyone is at peace and he will live a bachelor life for now but still be able to see everyone, much like China is now.

I would put him with her but she is vicious lol
Here is a headshot of Babies


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