No power for 24 hours


🐓🦆For the Birds!🦆🐓
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Feb 9, 2015
West Virginia
My Coop
My Coop
Well, sadly I believe I have lost my entire hatch on Day 14. My power went off almost 24 hours ago and is not expected to come back on for maybe another 18-24 hours. It got down to -10*F last night, and I couldn't keep the bator warm enough. We now have a generator going, but I don't assume anyone sees any reason for me to plug it back in?

I did go ahead and open one egg. No movement of course, but the veins were well intact. It looks like it just died a peaceful death. I took a pic, I can post if anyone wants to see it. I'm devastated....
@donkeydew2farms omg! I just candled one egg and its moving! I am beyond shocked!! Will let them be overnight and maybe candle more tomorrow. Wow!
I have heard that sometimes hours-long interruptions affect the hatch, and sometimes not as badly as expected, so I would get the incubator up to speed and hope for the best. There may be issues toward the end, so just be prepared to intervene or be creative. I pray the best for you all.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I went ahead and turned it back on... Just in case... Last ditch effort. And I got the surprise!
But yes, I agree there may be issues down the road, and I do understand that. At the least, I consider it a totally skipped day, so instead of 15, I'm recounting today as 14. But I have hope!
Good news so far... Candled them all this morning and they all appear ok. Even the turkey! (I have 3 turkey eggs in there, 2 have been iffy for about 3 days but I haven't ruled them out yet, but really good activity on 1)
One of the ducks was a little less active, but there was some movement. Still worried about long term effects but we're gonna find out!

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