North Carolina


Some of this hatch
Well its been a long day. This is my first week of highschool and everythings been chaotic. I go to a great school called Graystone Day School on the Pfeiffer campus in Meisenhiemer. I love all of my teachers and I am getting on great with all of my piers. Anyway along with high school my grandmother is in the hospital, our driveway just got fixed, just got internet connection back, and I need to go buy the rest of my supplies its been chaotic!

Oh and somehow today my mom and I got convinced (I must say it didn't take much twisting of our arms to do it
) to take these two little chicks from our local feed store.

We were there picking up dog food, horse food, and goat food (which we also just got our little goats in the past week too!; need to post some pics of them soon too) and we noticed they had some chicks in. They were all sold already and even if they weren't we were not planning on getting chicks so young anytime soon. While we were there Trent (the owner) told us that he had two that had what seemed to have dislocated legs, or something similar of the sort. He said if we had any chance of helping them, then they were ours for free. I have wanted to do more with chicks for a while, but my mom has been reluctant with our schedule and everything, but while we were there we noticed how the other chicks were pecking and being aggressive to the two injured ones. When she saw this she ran to the back of the store, grabbed a new little mini waterer, and a heat lamp. Next thing I know we have little chicks with us in the car, going to my gym. Of course we didn't have time to go to the house first because we were so busy and the little guys had to go into my gym (I'm a gymnast, just to clarify). I managed to get a few hobbles on them, made out of cut band-aids and it seems to be doing pretty well. I've never had to deal with an issue like this and was wondering if anyone might be able to give me some advice on how to deal with it and get them up on their feet better.

As of right now I am planning on keeping a hobble on them and continually putting a bigger hobble on them until they start growing a lot and fledge out. I've heard that this is what I should do. Anyone got any pointers or ideas? I really don't want to see these little guys die. So far they haven't eaten anything, but we have only been home for about an hour or so. They have been drinking all day, I know that.

One is definitely a RIR and the other is supposedly a White Rock... Trent wasn't entirely sure. Can anyone also give me some info on this breed and if they have some, how they like them?

Also just had to share my little Maran girl! She is so sweet!!!
Mom and dad are doing wonderful! They got their wish of me living with them! There are just so many things they can't do in the yard and on the house. Thank you all for asking and always being supportive!
Glad to hear that all is well with your parents, hopefully we'll be hearing more from you for now on
?? I don't live with my parents ( don't think it'd last too long before the 3 little ones would be on the side of the road looking for a new home, because grandma and grandpa don't play
) but they (the 3 little ones) do help when we are over at the grandparents house. I haven't heard "I'm board" all summer long since the first day of summer, now it's do we have to go to grandmas
I was wondering if there is anyone within 2 hours of the coast, specifically Havelock (Cherry Point), that would be interested in hatching some eggs for me. I am trying to get some Black Copper Maran hens. I don't want to buy them from a hatchery for many reasons.
I would like to buy them from a reputable seller on EBay and have them shipped directly to someone with an incubator. I would buy 12 to 18 eggs of the darkest brown I could find and would only want 4 pullets and the rest would be the 'hatchers' to keep. Is that fair?
I could meet to pick them up or come to your place to pick them up. Ideally I would pick them up when it was clear whether they were pullets or cockerels, but would take the risk and pick them up within days of hatching if necessary. Is anyone interested or know anyone who is? It would not have to be right away, I am not in a rush. Sometime in the next year. Still have to propose the idea to DH!

Also I have heard that if you incubate them at a certain temperature that you are more likely to get pullets than cockerels. Has anyone tried this?

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