North Idaho / Eastern Washington

Where is the Purina mill? When I was little I remember my mom getting rabbit feed directly from a mill that went under ages ago
It is on Trent by SCC. You have to get the feed through this Co-op though. If you want the guys info, please send me a private message.

There are other products you can get there also. I get oats and my Mazuri there.
One more question
I seen somewhere on backyard chickens that if you breed a pure Ameraucana rooster to a pure white leghorn hen the male chicks would have yellow legs and the female chicks would have the blue legs
I didnt save the picture and cant find it again. Anyone have experience with this?
I found it....
girls would have slate legs/ males white legs ?

This is correct, but it has nothing to do with skin color. The skin color will be white in the offspring, but they will all carry the yellow skin gene so subsequent crosses will be harder to determine sex on.

It is because of a gene expressed as Id or id. It is a gene that most birds with barring carry. It reduces pigment in the dermal layers of the skin, which is the inner layer. The white skin affects the outer layer color. It is a sex linked gene.
This is correct, but it has nothing to do with skin color.  The skin color will be white in the offspring, but they will all carry the yellow skin gene so subsequent crosses will be harder to determine sex on.

It is because of a gene expressed as Id or id.  It is a gene that most birds with barring carry.  It reduces pigment in the dermal layers of the skin, which is the inner layer.  The white skin affects the outer layer color.  It is a sex linked gene.        

Okay thanks so much for that information!! I have one white leghorn hen with my ameraucanas. So maybe i will hatch some out this summer.
My vet eggs seem to be doing well, with a crock pot idea I have, so I got a dozen more, and a dozen fertile store eggs. pretty colors, dark browns, tans, spotted ones and even some white ones and a green one. I went to the second hand store to look for a crock pot. I didn't find one, but I found a plug in skillet, with an adjustable dial. I have heard people have hatched in them before. so I brought it home, but when I tested it out it started to smoke right away. I unplugged it and got it out of the house and tossed it in snow. when it cooled it went in the garbage. that was scary.
This spring I am planning to incubate a variety of eggs for my eclectic hobby flock, and would love to purchase some eggs from you. I had a chocolate once and she was a sweet thing. Please let me know if I may purchase some in the not too far future.
Oops, sorry. I thought that previous post of mine would show up within the post regarding breeding chocolate Orpingtons.
Oops, sorry. I thought that previous post of mine would show up within the post regarding breeding chocolate Orpingtons.

I have a pair of chocolate Orrington that won'the be ready to breed for a couple of months. If you're local I would be willing to sell you some eggs. Unfortunately I am not experienced shipping the eggs.
All the prices are about the same in the area.

I am a member of a co-op and pick up directly at the Purina Mill. I save $3-4 a bag on my feed.

Where is the Purina mill? When I was little I remember my mom getting rabbit feed directly from a mill that went under ages ago

M... alot of the rabbit breeders buy large quantities of feed together, a co-op. just like pips&peeps. I know the lady i was with at the rabbit show, when I saw you, buys her feed w/a co-op group. fyi, just an idea, if you are looking for large quantities of rabbit feed? pips&peeps probably knows Sue?
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Hello! I'm from Yakima... hoping to find some new chicken friends! :)

Hi, welcome to our thread. what chickens do your have, breed, want, ect? hope you enjoy this thread.
I have Dorking, LO, a pair of Seabrights and a trio of polish. I need a Red dorking rooster b/c I lost mine a couple months ago. I will be buying more Dorkings this spring.
I also have rabbits, ducks & horses.
nice to meet you, are you male or female? just curious? w/your username I'm guessing female :lau
Anyone have a banty sized rooster available?
With a Smallish comb . I like banty easter eggers, bantam ameraucanas, silkies, silkie mixes. Let me know if you do. :) thanks.
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