North Idaho / Eastern Washington

I'm back! Woke up to reset data on my phone and a pip!!! On another note can you put a duck egg in with chicken eggs. If not does anyone have room to incubate a couple duck eggs for a friend of mine.
I have read that people have successfully incubated with chicken eggs, but I have no experience on that one. How many duck eggs? I really only have 5 spots left in my incubator
she told me 2
Well I have the spots available. The staggered hatching might be interesting... From what I've read the only real issue people had w/ducks and chicken eggs incubating at once is the week longer hatch for ducks. And getting the 2 eggs to CDA for me to grab and put in my bator.
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Well I have the spots available. The staggered hatching might be interesting... From what I've read the only real issue people had w/ducks and chicken eggs incubating at once is the week longer hatch for ducks. And getting the 2 eggs to CDA for me to grab and put in my bator.
if it is just the incubation time I can go ahead and do it. I have a coolerbator for incubation and then a seperate Hatcher. If I set them now the Hatcher will be empty when need to go in
I am just hatching for my mom so I can spare some. I have a blue marans over a bcm, americauna,rir, black australorp, and golden Wyandotte.
Thank you, I would like to do the HAL but I don't want to do shipped eggs this time. I can pick them up after work sometime next week if that works for you :)

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