North Idaho / Eastern Washington

I don't have the money to invest in a real misting system, plus you don't want the rabbits to actually get wet (they will overheat and die and it also can ruin Rex pelts), so I use a soaker hose on the roof of my hutches.
Hi, I have been using a garden hose with a handle attachment that has mist. Just attach it to the fence or a T post that can be hammered in where ever you want the mister to be. The chickens love it. We also have hawks and eagles around so I have put up a number of pallet A-frames in the chicken pasture. The A-frames are an almost free way to provide shade and cover at the same time. I've covered some of them with plywood and left others bare. The birds love hanging out under them during day. They also like to climb up onto the ones that are not covered so that they can see better and get the breeze.The A-frames do look pretty rough, but a coat of white paint does help improve things, and the covered sides make a great place for kid art, or grown up art for that matter. As an after thought, don't put the A-frames too close to your fence. I had to retrieve a number of birds that launched themselves to freedom before I got the distances right..
Hi, I have been using a garden hose with a handle attachment that has mist. Just attach it to the fence or a T post that can be hammered in where ever you want the mister to be. The chickens love it. We also have hawks and eagles around so I have put up a number of pallet A-frames in the chicken pasture. The A-frames are an almost free way to provide shade and cover at the same time. I've covered some of them with plywood and left others bare. The birds love hanging out under them during day. They also like to climb up onto the ones that are not covered so that they can see better and get the breeze.The A-frames do look pretty rough, but a coat of white paint does help improve things, and the covered sides make a great place for kid art, or grown up art for that matter. As an after thought, don't put the A-frames too close to your fence. I had to retrieve a number of birds that launched themselves to freedom before I got the distances right..
I bet it would look super pretty if you filled the pallets with dirt to make the A-Frames into vertical gardens as well.
The light and dark gray chicks are my Blue Isbar /frizzles,
The white and the black chicks are BCM (the white color is rare but it happens)
Uglyfoot, I wanted you to see the pic of the White maran, because you said you had a friend who wanted one. She cannot have her, but admire away.
The light and dark gray chicks are my Blue Isbar /frizzles,
The white and the black chicks are BCM (the white color is rare but it happens)
Uglyfoot, I wanted you to see the pic of the White maran, because you said you had a friend who wanted one. She cannot have her, but admire away.
So cute!
My FIL sent me pictures that tow of the bantams I got for him have started to lay. I think at least one is a phoenix and his pretty roo has started to crow. Fertile Bantam Phoenix and Bantam Phoenix mix eggs will be happening soon, So exciting!!!

Here are some pics of his bantam flock.

What is everyone doing to keep their flocks cool in this heat?? some of mine are in their coops, in the shade and i change their water out 2-3x's a day. should i wet down the dirt/shaving floor? would this help them? just wondering what else i could do for them, they do not look stressed, i am just curious so i can prepare for hotter days? thanks
I also freeze 2 liter bottles. I planted giant sunflowers around the house. I am definitely planting more next year. As far as a misting system, I bought cheapy ones last year on clearance at Wal-Mart end of season sale. They work great.

This picture was taken several weeks ago. They are much bigger now.
I also freeze 2 liter bottles. I planted giant sunflowers around the house. I am definitely planting more next year. As far as a misting system, I bought cheapy ones last year on clearance at Wal-Mart end of season sale. They work great. This picture was taken several weeks ago. They are much bigger now.
how much bigger can they get?? goodness sakes... I love SF plants. i had some seeds that i harvested from my plants and when we moved to our house here, i threw about 200 seeds strategicly all over our property. i planted them (in the Fall along w/ hundreds of Hollyhock seeds) where i wanted them to grow... and i only got about 6 sunflowers that grew out of all these seeds... and then the deer ate the heads before i could harvest them... uggghh i will try again, cuz i love sunflower plants. i think i will grow them in the fenced garden area this time?? Yours are beautiful and healthy, congrats
My FIL sent me pictures that tow of the bantams I got for him have started to lay. I think at least one is a phoenix and his pretty roo has started to crow. Fertile Bantam Phoenix and Bantam Phoenix mix eggs will be happening soon, So exciting!!! Here are some pics of his bantam flock. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR]
Beautiful birds... love the long tail of the phoenix.
We're officially looking for a new piece of property. We've seen a few promising pieces, but so many places have HOAs or CCRs, even out in the county. But, it will be worth it if we can find a great place and quadruple or more our acreage.

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