Not real sure but I think my favorite BO girl is sick =(


9 Years
Feb 22, 2010
Plant City, FL.
It's hot here in FL obviously but she has fresh water but she seems to be panting a LOT =/, that and she's always been nervous (bottom of totem pole) and kinda wobbly to get away from the others (she's a 1 1/2 old) and now she's even more acting walking weird? Her nostrol seems kinda soggy? I dont know if I'm going crazy or what but she's not draining anywhere else...comb looks normal and everything else does...I always worry about her more and get panicky bc she is my "baby" but I just dont know?
I went out and put vitamins in their water to see if that helps but i cant tell if she's overheated...or a resp something or just being weird? I hate being a 1st time chicken owner sometimes...
I'm sorry ,but i don't how what advice to give you, being a new chicken person too. I just wanted to let you know you're not alone in not knowing what to do when one of your babies gets sick. good luck with your baby - sending good vibes your way.....
does she sound raspy in the chest at all? have you checked for feather lice at shaft of feathers? has your flock ever been wormed? parasites can cause them to weaken and start walking wobbly.
tks so much boxermom! i just wish i had more chicken wisdom! lol

and 8hipchicks...she doesnt sounds raspy to me...i just actually brought her inside to observe her...i wanted to see her poop (gross but i love that baby...nothing a little bleach wont kill-lol)...ive seen her eat and drink and her crops full but soft...i did give her a little applesauce just to see if she was interested and heard her tummy grumble a sec...i'm gonna check in the am that her crop went down good but her poop looked completely normal...i did look for lice and cant see any...or mites...she does have alot of dirt back there from dirt bathes that looks caked in there? Should i bathe her? and i haven't wormed them...going to go research that now...any advice would be greatly appreciated...thks so much for looking!
clean her up back there and also look under her wings at the base of the feathers for what looks like dandruff or broken flakes of feather shaft. I went through a horrible bout of feather lice and she was so weak by the time it was figured out she could barely stand much less walk.

if she's eating and popping well you may want to do a dusting with sevin powder that you buy at the garden store. if your precious one is plagued with feather lice they will be killed from the sevin. you may even see them falling off the chicken. make sure your little girl gets protein like plain yogurt and scrambled eggs while you are figuring this out. keep us posted.
will do! Thanks so much for all your help! Now, there's only 6 girls to my roo and she's her favorite (go fav, his fav...sigh) so he's clawed her back feathers off and we've noticed those taking a VERY long time to grow in...still bald quite a bit...could that be an effect from lice or mite as well? I took her saddle off a bit today though bc she was panting so bad i didnt want to think about her overheating and that thing has to be hot in this FL weather!

AGAIN though, I really appreciate your advice for my sweet one!

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