November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

my little black splash has hatched and the blue splash has pipped!
it's too cute
Congratulations! In another 10+ days I'll be gushing all over BYC with my first hatchlings. Just sayin'.
she probably has pox in her throat...I've read that you can lube her throat with you have coconut oil caps? open those...feed her soft moist food...I would go to the tractor supply tomorrow and get the vaccine and give it to them all...I think you can give it to the chicks....maybe it's when they're a week old...well they can tell you...and still put the apple cider vinegar in the boosts their immunity...
you have to control the mosquitos...I've had really good luck with the vet rx because it's got rosemary oil in it which deters mosquitos but I've read that vicks works also...with the vetrx I mix it with warm water in a spray bottle and spray the birds and the works on those awful black flies too...oh if you order vet rx on amazon you can get it quickly..
ok so on my roo that might have the cold he's got swollen ears and what looks to be some discharge or crusty's. His comb seems a little discolored and dry, eyes are fine. I've separated him now. With the hen her left eye is looking better, she can open the left eye ever so slightly. I was reading on the link you sent me and she could have new castle or bronchitis bc she has been twisting her head and neck however she doesn't have any diarrhea. I hope she's better in the morning. I can't afford to take her to the vet and I don't want to have to cull her.
So I used to raise and breed bearded dragons as a small hobby breeder, and I can safely say that hatching chickens is way more stressful! So I locked down 10 eggs, and so far I've had 5 hatch (1 of which died shortly after), I have 2 more pips and 1 confirmed late death (maybe in the last 48 hours). With every chick that hatched my humidity spikes, temp drops and I keep trying to adjust it. My chicks don't seem to be drying either, which may be because of my current 82% humidity. This is what I get for becoming a crazy chicken lady -_-
Do you use a pipeline or individual bottles/buckets with nipples? Do you silicone them in? We're still working on ours...threaded into PVC with Teflon plumbing tape they are leaking like crazy so still using the founts until we get it figured out. (If there is a better thread for this I'm happy to move over.)
We have a chicken nipple watering system with a long PVC pipe "tank" leading to 3 PVC "arms" which extend down into the run at 3 different heights. At one point we had to drain it, so the 3 arms were sawed off and replaced with male/female joints so the arms can now be screwed on and off if needed. The chicken nipples are attached to the end of the PVC pipes, in the center of a cap end piece PVC fitting. My husband drilled a hole in the cap and fitted the plastic nipple in with silicone for a water-tight fit. He broke one of them trying to fit it in, good thing we had an extra! :)
Going into lockdown at 5:30 today! Time to get nervous. I started with 36 game eggs and have 20 going strong-I noticed one egg is a lot fuller than the others. It's not a lot bigger than the other eggs but it "might" have been a double. It would be cool to hatch a double but I would cry if one of them died- hoping it's just a larger chick honestly.
YAY for all the new hatchlings-keep those adorable pics coming.
My hatch is over. I had the power outage 2 days before hatch day.

3 crested cream legbar hatched , 2 with assistance total hatch three. 2 roosters 1 hen...
total 2 hair line cracks early on, 2 unfertile, 4 early quitter, 3 power storage, 3 live chicks,
8 home grown marans and marans Xs. 1 oozy egg, 1 unfertile, 8 fluffy marans, or marans Xs...
am amazed any of them hatched with the power outage.

camera is low so fussy but you can see colors blues, splashes, dark blues and ccls
Glad I got a few Crested cream bars.....

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