NY chicken lover!!!!

I wanna get a couple ameracaunas, olive eggers, and Marna's just for eggs not to breed. I just want pretty eggs, lol. Is there anyone in NY that has these for sale? I love the blue ameracaunas or something with a little color. Let me know if anyone has anything. I'm in the southern Adirondacks so closer to me the better unless you ship.

I've got Easter Eggers coming out of my ears right now if you want some. I know they're not purebred Ameraucanas but they will lay pretty green or olive eggs. Plus a lot of them are part AC too so they are very interesting to look at. I'm about 45 minutes outside Glens Falls, let me know if you're interested :)
Wow was it Cold today ..
Warm Oatmeal for a treat
Roos Got it all over their Wattles ..Cowboy wouldnt hold still
Heres Lucky

My Hens have really been laying ..Im up to 10 eggs a day from 16 chickens ..A bunch of them are older too
Im feeding them 20% chick grower mixed 2 to 1 with 10 % Scratch ..And Oyster Shell
I cant remember the last time I got Ten eggs a day ..
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The coop isn't finished yet but I guess this will light a fire under us

The coop isn't finished yet but I guess this will light a fire under us

hahahha this made me feel better LOL I just ordered 6 chicks last night. Mr. Lee already capped off my breed varieties at #2 ... I keep telling him we need to speed up our coop project because "we'll have more chicks before you know it" but... im not sure he's connected the dots yet.
hahahha this made me feel better LOL I just ordered 6 chicks last night. Mr. Lee already capped off my breed varieties at #2 ... I keep telling him we need to speed up our coop project because "we'll have more chicks before you know it" but... im not sure he's connected the dots yet.

We were doing great until the freezing cold! Lol. Husband does not work well under 60°
I guess it will be up to me to finish. We are super close so I don't see a problem. I just wish it was over 20° LOL
Are these The just delivered chicks ? Less than a week old ? out in a coop ? with heat lamps ? You could bring them inside [COLOR=0000CD]<- I would do this[/COLOR] ...
Do you have a large plastic bin or Lg Cardboard box ( line the inside with plastic
or a shower curtain - A used one - the new ones stink to High Heaven ) or a extra tub .or Shower ?
 It would give you peace of mind ..You would NOT need the extra hot lamps if they are inside

[COLOR=0000FF]From my chicken Medicine File -[/COLOR]
A blocked vent is sometimes due to temperature fluctuations suffered by young chicks or more fragile breeds and can be due to stress.  There may be other causes, as well.  With young chicks, check the temperature in your brooder to ensure it is not fluctuating significantly.

A blocked vent is fatal if not taken care of quickly.  A chick suffering pasty butt must be checked on throughout the day and will probably need treatment several times a day for several days.

Clean use a damp rag to remove poo from vent.  If the poo is hard, you can soak the chicks bottom in a dish of warm water or put the chicks bottom under warm running water to help remove it.

Dry thoroughly dry the chick.  Leaving a chick wet can reduce its immunity and leave it vulnerable to illness or infection.

Olive Oil on the vent once the chick is dry, use a Q-tip to gently apply olive oil around the vent to help prevent poos from sticking too hard.

Apple Cider Vinegar several BYCers add a drop or two of apple cider vinegar to drinking water to[/COLOR] prevent or reduce the severity of pasty butt.
If you have ACV with mother it is best ..if you dont just use the regular stuff

They are inside with us... They don't stink... Have been washing butts...and when its only 60 with a heater going in house one heat lamp wasn't keeping that
Side in 90s. Our "place" isn't very well insulated. So when single and neg temps hit it gets chilly inside. I wouldn't dare out the chicks outside with temps the way they are right now ...that's asking to kill them

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