Adding my own eggs to this thread: my black copper marans laid her second egg, this time more pullet-sized. Comparison to her first egg (bottom left), a Fiona egg (top right, EE), and a Mina egg (bottom right, Australorp). With a wet strip to show the heavier bloom. It's more maroon/mauve than this photo looks. Excited to see how her ink jets calibrate and whether she'll often have heavier blooms!



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I'm obsessed with this thread! I love all the different colors! Right now the strangest thing I've seen from my brown egg layers are very pale almost pink eggs that turn brown when wet and back pale when dry, dark flecks that wash off, a couple of "ombre" colors where one tip is much lighter than the other, and the most adorable flecks/freckles on an egg that are completely hidden when it's dry! I have GOT to get some colored egg layers; right now I have one black copper and one blue copper marans that should reach point of lay in late June or early July, those two will be the only deviation except for my California whites that are still only 7 weeks old right now and I'm dying to get my hands on some easter eggers/olive eggers/ameraucanas and such.

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