Office Work.......

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omg, I didn't just stick my foot in my mouth just now, I think I stuck my entire leg. Thought a coworker was calling me so I was joking and complaining and just carrying on. Turns out it was a customer who sounds identical to a coworker of mine. Whoops. He now knows I want to build chicken coops for a living and that every day is worse than the day before, LOL.

I am made of fail today.

Have you ever heard of Whoopie Pies? I am eating one now. I am obviously made of diet fail today as well.
We've all done things like that. I've had customers call with requests that I literally thought could be nothing but a joke...turns out they were serious.

There's a restaurant in town here that makes Whoopie Pies as one of their specialty desserts. I've never tried it because I'm addicted to their many varieties of creme brulee.
Visit me in June dear, my yard has a couple of them growing naturally. (Hardly boasting, because clearing this land to build the house decimated dozens of them and tons of wonderful bearberry too.)

Orchy, I ran for 50 minutes today, then was fool enough to split wood and restack it for over an hour. Yes, ice has been applied to back and both thumb joints. Tomorrow I will suffer even more I'm sure.

Here's the dolphin skull from my run today (I'm the one with the shades on).

OMG, I've done that too. At the law office, the co-workers boyfriend sounds exactly like one of the attorneys. One day I was being really wicked sarcastic on the phone, and it wasn't the boyfriend! Serves them BOTH right for never saying who they are when they call. I mean, how hard is it to say, "Geoff here, is Linda there"? Noooooo.
Dead crab with hitchhikers:


This is what passes for autumn color on Cape Cod. I'm serious - it goes from tan to brown here, that's it!

The path where I found the skull. At REALLY high tide, it floods, thus things wash up.

Wellfleet, Indian Neck area (my 'hood): home of Sex in the City for Diamondback Terrapins.
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Buffy, I did the Jillian Michaels Shred video last night. My pecs are wincing every time I move today. I loathe pushups and that sadistic witch Jillian (but I'll probably do her video a couple more times this week).

Nice skull!

We decimated a lot of raspberry bushes and even more poison ivy.
Um, which one....

Yay on decimating the poison ivy! (Never mind that hundreds of native ground dwelling birds have starved to death for lack of the edible, nutritious berries that the ivy has.) Also, never mind that development, subtle though it is, has shoved all the native bobwhite quail from this neighborhood. Yes, people suck.

Like my guilt? Since I feel it, I have to pass it on.
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The guilt, I haz it too. You should have seen me fret when we cleared some acres for the horse pasture. I feel badly about it to this day. Even the donation to the Nature Conservancy didn't help.

White tail deer loooove poison ivy. I keep telling my kids when they get it, that that's why God invented it. They keep telling me deer could eat something else.

You have a super cool place to run. Much better than my circular driveway!
BUT, don't you secretly LURVE the ache? Makes you appreciate all the different muscle groups that hold you together and make your farm chores possible. If we never worked them individually and felt them barking the next day, we'd never grow to respect them. I know that I wouldn't, for sure.

Orchy, my challenge to you - find a group of moves for the lat region, do them to the max and report back to me.

Yes, Jillian frightens me. I gave away my DVD of one of her workouts. (Don't tell her.)
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