Office Work.......

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Fried chicken, mostly.
I haven't eaten there in AGES. I prefer Zaxby's, which we have about 5 minutes away from the house

Ish. I rarely eat anything deep fried except kalamari (sp?). Guess I'm not missing out on much!
Fried chicken, mostly.
I haven't eaten there in AGES. I prefer Zaxby's, which we have about 5 minutes away from the house

Ish. I rarely eat anything deep fried except kalamari (sp?). Guess I'm not missing out on much!

I rarely eat anything deep fried, either.

But if we aren't going anywhere, Zaxby's is a nice treat.

Beaner, I have not had the shake you mentioned. Haven't eaten at Zaxby's in a couple of months. We're supposed to have pizza for dinner tonight, but I may have to swing by Zaxby's instead....
Whatever any of you do, do NOT get the pumpkin pie spice cappucino at Holiday. Oh. MY. Goodness. Took one sip and dumped the rest out the truck window. That was the most disgusting thing I have ever tried to drink.
You only have 1817 posts - it can't be because of BYC...

I know right...that's what I'm talking about...I guess it's all the emails and PMs I send
and of course all the research etc I'm doing for my breeding programs...sheesh I think that's working isn't it..but it's fun!
Ish. I rarely eat anything deep fried except kalamari (sp?). Guess I'm not missing out on much!

I rarely eat anything deep fried, either.

But if we aren't going anywhere, Zaxby's is a nice treat.

Beaner, I have not had the shake you mentioned. Haven't eaten at Zaxby's in a couple of months. We're supposed to have pizza for dinner tonight, but I may have to swing by Zaxby's instead....

I used to love that Zaxby's bourbon chicken sandwich........from this time last year actually. WHERE IS IT? I want it......I was eating it at least once a week while they had it. LOOOOVE IT. And also those white cheddar cheese thingies. Yum.

gosh, I have no idea why I've gained so much weight.
I used to love that Zaxby's bourbon chicken sandwich........from this time last year actually. WHERE IS IT? I want it......I was eating it at least once a week while they had it. LOOOOVE IT. And also those white cheddar cheese thingies. Yum.

gosh, I have no idea why I've gained so much weight.

I never had any sandwish. We always get a box of fingers, a box of taters, a box of cheese thingies, and then share.

Wow. I have popcorn for lunch and I WANT MORE than popcorn now!!!!

Orchy-pants, no worries on the cappacino thing. Even if I drank the stuff (which I don't) the thought of pumpkin-flavored beverages is a turn off.

If it eat their ground meat tacos I usually end up getting sick. Plus after living in So. Cal. and New Mexico I have experienced good Mexican food. Taco Bell is just fast food disquised as Mexican.
my mom and dad are flying in from Texas. Gotta get my mama's bed set up so I tore down my boys bed, put the framework up on the stored bed and then scrub the house top to bottom, otherwise ma is gonna spend half a day doing it for me

Boyd, if you weren't married, and I weren't married, I would so be proposing to you right now.

Okay, I resorted to taking a picture of my anime hair myself. The pic is, well, awful, but you'll get the general idea. My hair accidentally had some very light lavender highlights in it right after she colored it; they washed out but I might do some on purpose next time.


Orchy! I love the cut! Your purty face puts out a Carey Mulligan vibe, and the haircut makes you look very "in"! PS: on FB, can I just answer those questions and not pass the form on? I don't know 25 people...
Me neither! Orchy, HOW do we survive in the sticks? Oh wait, I know... canned lentil soup with stale crackers for lunch, that's how.
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