Office Work.......

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Well, you joined BYC last September... I guess the the no-more-work thing came a few months after that. By the way, you've come to the right thread. It's called Office Work but it's really "Occupy an Office for Pay but Addicted to BYC".
Boyd, if you weren't married, and I weren't married, I would so be proposing to you right now.

Okay, I resorted to taking a picture of my anime hair myself. The pic is, well, awful, but you'll get the general idea. My hair accidentally had some very light lavender highlights in it right after she colored it; they washed out but I might do some on purpose next time.


Orchy! I love the cut! Your purty face puts out a Carey Mulligan vibe, and the haircut makes you look very "in"! PS: on FB, can I just answer those questions and not pass the form on? I don't know 25 people...

Thanks, and yes you can!
LOVE the graphics and the text is very clever. I'd buy cards with that design for sure. Nice post.
LOVE the graphics and the text is very clever. I'd buy cards with that design for sure. Nice post.

cool thanks, yes I'm doing cards - I'm costing them out now...just for a rough # how many would you possibly purchase
LOVE the graphics and the text is very clever. I'd buy cards with that design for sure. Nice post.

cool thanks, yes I'm doing cards - I'm costing them out now...just for a rough # how many would you possibly purchase

Well, my only chicken-minded friends are here on BYC. Sorry to say that I would probably only need about ten of them.

Alright kids, I nom nom nommed up some Taco Bell burritos for lunch and am having a nice strawberry McD milkshake to wash it all down. I haven't taken any advil since this morning, but will probably take some in a bit to help keep the inflammation down.

Btw DACS, I did wear dentist appropriate clothing LOL. i'm always cold there so I generally cover up with a sweater too.

Nothing quite like having to move your bargaining power out of the way so you can hear better, LOL. Why must they tip your head below your feet anyways? Congratulations Mr Dentist, you can now see my brain via my nasal passages.
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LOL.....I was waiting for him to start laughing and ask about my nose. I have the worst deviated septum ever. I could snort cocaine with no hands, that's how bad it is. If I breathe in through my nose, the one side just collapses in on itself. The strange part is....the "large" nostril has a teeny tiny opening in the back...and the "small" nostril has a big opening in the back. To make a long and slightly gross story short, my nose is defective.

i am just a wonder of science.
Sigh. I am attempting to take rejection well. DH's parents have chosen not to come for Thanksgiving...we live 13 miles from them.

More turkey sandwiches for me, right?

Then I check the forecast - high of 28 tomorrow. Nastiness. I just can't seem to get in the swing of cold weather this year.
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