Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest - #16

10 Lessons in Leadership from a Rooster

Edit to try to figure out how to do a link with a picture, nope, didn't figure it out :confused:

Scroll down, copy, paste.
Here's my first entry: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/over-sized-isnt-just-for-sweaters.77604/
Over-Sized Isn't Just For Sweaters

Over-Sized Isn't Just For Sweaters

Everyone who has existed on earth long enough to experience more than a single fashion cycle has seen them come in and out of style, oversized sweaters with hems that droop to mid-thigh, sleeves that hang past the fingertips, and enough room in the body to hide a couple fugitive cats in there...
Two suggested article topics that I'm not qualified to write:

  1. An Illustrated Guide to Sexing chicks by Male Specific and Female Specific Color Patterns. I've often seen this referenced on the sexing forum and have no idea what color patterns are specific to which sex. There doesn't seem to be any readily accessible general information about this.
Maybe @MysteryChicken would be open to writing one like this!
My Experience of Keeping Chicks vs. Ducklings - Which one is right for you?

My Experience of Keeping Chicks vs. Ducklings - Which one is right for you?

All poultry are wonderful creatures, but different species usually equals different care and attention needs. If you're contemplating the question, chickens or ducks, I'm here to help and share my experience of both poultry species with you. Now, I do not have any experience with either adult...

I've been working on this for a little while, it's finally done! :celebrate
Homemade Suet Cake for Poultry!

Homemade Suet Cake for Poultry!

So, it's your favourite hen's birthday or she just laid her first egg. You want to celebrate by giving them a yummy treat that won't make them too fat and unhealthy. This easy suet cake recipe is great for your hen, or rooster's, special day! Introduction A suet cake is just a block of suet...
Incubating Emu Eggs

Incubating Emu Eggs

Incubating Emu Eggs Perhaps you have been contemplating adding emus to your farm and have decided you want to hatch them yourself. Or maybe you bought some chicks a few years ago, and they're grown up and laying eggs of their own you would like to hatch. Maybe you even bought an adult...
The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Chick Brooder

The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Chick Brooder

Chick Brooder Tips and Tricks Chicks! One of the most exciting parts of raising backyard chickens. The fluffy butts, tiny bodies, curious beaks, and all the antics! No one ever gets bored with chicks. As cute as they are, they’re also very fragile, and having a safe, clean, spacious, and...
Moving or Separating Your Broody, and When To Do So

Moving or Separating Your Broody, and When To Do So

Introduction It's so nice to walk into your coop in the morning and find that one of your hens is broody. I personally think that chicks are so much cuter with a hen than in an incubator or brooder, and it's so sweet watching a momma raise her babies. In this article, you'll find helpful setups...
Types of poultry flock

Types of poultry flock

Photo credit for graphic: @Apis mellifera @PippinTheChicken @Buckingham Palace @bellium @DobieLover @Isadora @Brahmachicken240 Will you raise your whole flock together up from chicks? Or will you stagger your chicken purchases? Will you focus on raising a particular breed? Or will you like to...
How to make Pippin's foraging treat mix.

How to make Pippin's foraging treat mix.

This treat is perfect for entertaining your flock and encouraging them to forage. Ingredients: Dried mealworms Oyster shell Growers pellets and/or chick crumb Split maize/cracked corn You'll also need: A measuring cup (I use a normal paper cup) A bowl or container optional...
The Myth of the 'Guard' Goose and Why You Should Not Get One

The Myth of the 'Guard' Goose and Why You Should Not Get One

The Myth of the 'Guard' Goose and Why You Should Not Get One If you browse online, you might come across an article that says you can keep a goose in with your chickens - just one, and it will probably tell you to get a male - and this goose will guard your flock, protecting them from predators...
Money Saving Tip: Buy the Big Bag from the Start!

Money Saving Tip: Buy the Big Bag from the Start!

A lot of us have been there- you're at the feed store and chick days has begun. Whether you planned on it or not, you decided to bring a few or more of those fluff balls home. Of course, you want to be properly prepared, so if you don't have chick starter already at home, you may find yourself...
View article item 76061
Over-Sized Isn't Just For Sweaters

Over-Sized Isn't Just For Sweaters

Everyone who has existed on earth long enough to experience more than a single fashion cycle has seen them come in and out of style, oversized sweaters with hems that droop to mid-thigh, sleeves that hang past the fingertips, and enough room in the body to hide a couple fugitive cats in there...
My Experience of Keeping Chicks vs. Ducklings - Which one is right for you?

My Experience of Keeping Chicks vs. Ducklings - Which one is right for you?

All poultry are wonderful creatures, but different species usually equals different care and attention needs. If you're contemplating the question, chickens or ducks, I'm here to help and share my experience of both poultry species with you. Now, I do not have any experience with either adult...
Homemade Suet Cake for Poultry!

Homemade Suet Cake for Poultry!

So, it's your favourite hen's birthday or she just laid her first egg. You want to celebrate by giving them a yummy treat that won't make them too fat and unhealthy. This easy suet cake recipe is great for your hen, or rooster's, special day! Introduction A suet cake is just a block of suet...

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