Official BYC Poll: Which of These Breeds Is Your Favourite?

Which of these breeds is your favourite?

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My favorites are Turkens, not represented because they're not popular. They are great birds, do better in the heat than a lot of the fluffy breeds and generally have great personalities, much like RIRs.
I voted for RIR in this list because I've had them and had a great experience. They're forward, opinionated, excellent moms and generally assertive without being jerks about it. They were also good layers and gave us large to extra large eggs.
My favourite breed is probably the spitzhauben, i have a silver spangled pair I absolutely love , the rooster gets so excited when i goes to see him or give him treats , he gets right out of himself for a minute or 2 then eats . I went with Rhode Island reds even though i like alot of the other breeds because i have one single Rhode Island that since it was a chick follows me , even to this day when i says come on she bolts right for me 😅
It was really hard to vote in this because there are a lot of breeds that I like. I have been mostly a fan of big dual-purpose birds that trend toward meat ... I love Barred Rocks and am sad to see that breeder-quality Barred Rocks are so rare and hard to find these days.

Jersey Giants are lovable. They and Brahmas are slow-growing which is a problem with feed costs.

Egg-layers: Australorps laid OK but will go broody on straw. My only experience with Leghorns involved a couple that ran ran ran and never laid anywhere the eggs could be found. Yes, they roosted in trees.

I would rather have 4 or 5 eggs for breakfast than 2! Two eggs is a measly little omelet! If I had 10 or 12 eggs daily, I could use them! I would save some, incubate some, and feed some to friends! (quarantine is ending where I am).

In this poll, I switched parties....but probably am still on the fence...

Health, heartiness, disease resistance, broodiness, good mothers, and chicken TV won me over to a breed that is neither a good meat bird nor a production egg layer.

Neither pandemics nor unrest nor Marek’s nor hurricanes nor lack of feeding... will eradicate....those lil’ Game chickens!

They CAN roost in trees but won’t if their needs are met. They are friendlier than many egg-laying breeds. The high tails of the hens are cute and the determination with which they will brood and mother chicks is amazing.

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Out of the list, my favorite is the brahma, and I do keep them, so that's what I voted for.

My real favorite, though, are my ko shamos. They're an oriental game bantam, and they are so personable. They're extremely friendly with their humans and very easy to handle. I also love the way they look like little dinosaurs. Other people think they're ugly, though, haha, so to each their own.

If I had to keep just one breed of chicken, it would be them.

Neither of my absolute favourites are listed: Campines & Wyandottes. These girls can't be beat for personality & looks though they can be tough work in the beginning.

I do like Rocks & Australorps but would never choose them over a Campine. My Campines are reliable layers of medium sized white eggs, excellent foragers, good free rangers, & get along really well in a mixed flock.
Whilst the wide array of chicken breeds from which to choose from seems virtually unlimited, there are a few breeds that enjoy better popularity than the rest. Out of the breeds represented in this poll, which one is your favourite? Note—it would be impossible to put everyone's preferred breeds in one poll, so for those Brabanter/Japanese bantam/Faverolles/Spitzhauben/etc fans among us, feel free to tell us a bit more about your underrepresented favourites or share the reason for your vote on the breeds available.

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I also like my ISA browns, they are such a loyal and friendly bird. But I had to choose my sweet Plymouth Rock. Easter Eggers would be my second choice. They are so cute to look at, I don’t have any hens at the moment but I’m guessing they are sweet as well.

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