Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

Well we know he can't mean they are silky smooth childrens. That dog must have got to them or the birds are molting, because they look pretty rough. :/

So he must really think they are Silkie chickens! :rolleyes: I guess a simple Google search would have killed him.
But the thing that really got me was the like new condition!

Lol! Thanks, I needed the chuckle.
Well we know he can't mean they are silky smooth childrens. That dog must have got to them or the birds are molting, because they look pretty rough. :/

So he must really think they are Silkie chickens! :rolleyes: I guess a simple Google search would have killed him.
But the thing that really got me was the like new condition!

Lol! Thanks, I needed the chuckle.

You're welcome! ;)

I was simply speechless... :gig
How about this one?


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