Oh no! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!


12 Years
May 8, 2008
North Carolina
My poor little boy... yesterday, I mean Wednesday, he broke his collarbone so he is in pain and pretty miserable. And now this. Just went to check on his gerbils and I'm 99% sure that one of them is dying. I think she is 3 years old and she isn't looking good, her breathing is weird. This is going to break my son's heart.
I feel so helpless. There is nothing I can do to help her and she looks pitiful. I guess she's kind of old, for a gerbil... 3 1/2 if I'm remembering when I got them for him. Poor little Brownie.
Bummer. Can you set up a little intensive care unit with your son for the critter? If he feels like he did everything he could to make it comfortable, it may help. Heating pad on 1/2 a shoebox, fluffy bedding, a favorite treat, etc.
I've been through that kind of thing many times with my (now 18 yr old) DD.
Hope it goes OK.
He is actually at my parents' house tonight. We've got kitchen construction going on and I have no way to cook at the moment, so my mother came and got him this morning. I don't want to go to bed until after she passes. Gerbils have been known to be cannibalistic... and if his other one decided to try it out that would be VERY bad!
Hope things get better soon! Been through many a lost pet with my 4 kiddos never easy!!! Hope your son heals fast. Good Luck!

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